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她已获得牛津大学讲师的职位。She's got a lectureship at Oxford.

另一个职位是讲师。Another position is that of lecturer.

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那你们可以去找背诵课的讲师。And then you go to a recitation instructor.

钢管和水平“内部讲师”电木握把。Steel pipe and level by "TTT" Bakelite grips.

他们通过自己的耳麦听到讲师的声音。So that they can hear her over their headsets.

因此我将在这门课中请到四名客座讲师And so, I'm going to include four guest lecturers.

他从讲师晋升为教授。He advanced from a lectureship to a professorship.

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他是位好讲师,因为他确实精通业务。He's a good lecturer as he really knows his stuff.

这位讲师细心准备课程。The instructor prepared thd class lesson carefully.

今天你能帮我把这张便条带个李讲师吗?Could you bring this note to lecture Li for me today?

我在一所社区大学兼职当讲师。I'm moonlighting as a teacher at a community college.

我们鼓励你与助教或讲师讨论。Discussions with the TAs and instructor are encouraged.

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他现在是慕迪圣经学院的客座讲师。He is now a guest lecturer of the Moody Bible Institute.

学院突然把他从讲师越级提升为正教授。The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.

姜朋,法学博士,清华大学经济管理学院讲师。Jiang Peng of Law, Lecturer of Tsinghua University, Beijing.

他们选择不与,背诵课的讲师交流。They choose not to interact with the recitation instructors.

拉贾德1956年1月1日出生在法国巴黎,她的父亲罗伯特是一为大学讲师,在她17岁时就去世了。She was born Christine Lallouette on 1 January 1956 in Paris.

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巴登围腾堡州医疗教学中心讲师。Baden wai Gutenberg state medical teaching centre of lecturer.

但是一位讲师戈勒博士很不高兴。But one of the lecturers, Dr. Goller , was not at all pleased.

雇员近100位,其中咨询师/培训讲师60余位。Hire nearly 100 employees, about 60 are consultant and trainer.