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遵守班规及校规。Obey class rules and school rules.

这些都是他必须要遵守的严格校规。These are strict school rules, which he must obey.

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每个学生应该知道校规。Every student is supposed to know the school regulations.

遵守校规校纪,准时到校上课。Observe the school discipline and come to school punctually.

学校里面的那些校规校纪只有在静态的世界里才有作用。Its rules and principles can only function in a static world.

我们学校有校规,而且我们班也有班规。Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules.

学生们希望校方放宽校规。Students hope that the school will loosen up the school regulations.

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在晨会上,校长向我们宣布了校纪校规。During the assembly , the headmaster told us about the rules of the school.

伦敦东区的一所学校开创了对违反校规的学生处以罚金的先例。An east London school has set a precedent by fining pupils who break the rules.

新形势下,高校需要更新观念,完善校规校纪。Under the new situation, universities must convert ideas and perfect school rules.

我们尊贵的对待别人,对家规,校规,国法给予赞赏,尊敬。We treat others with dignity and honor the rules of our family, school and nation.

公办学校的校纪校规是学校对学生进行自主管理的依据。As school regulations is the direct warrant in collegian management, it is signifi.

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不因为触犯了学校的纪律惩罚孩子,而是攻击校规。Instead of punishing a child for violating a school policy, they battle the policy.

留学生应自觉遵守各项中国法律、校纪校规和规章制度。Students who live in ISA must abide by Chinese laws and all rules and regulations of USST.

在学期间,遵守学校的校纪校规,尊重学校的教学安排。During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and regulations of the university, and will.

尽管旷课是违反校规的行为,糟糕的出勤记录也会使你的期末成绩毁于一旦。Skipping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your final mark.

如果你问是谁制定了那些干涉言论自由的校规,答案是“左翼分子”。If you ask who produces campus codes that infringe on free speech, it is overwhelmingly leftists.

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女学生们穿着越来越短的裙子至少在一定程度上提示了校规。It is being prompted, at least in part, by the ever-shorter skirts being worn by female students.

公办学校的校纪校规是学校对学生进行自主管理的依据。The school regulations and disciplines, is the basis of school independent management to the student.

我在此保证以上的学生将接受上述规定的校规。I herby agree to ensure that the above student will abide by the Terms and Conditions stipulated above.