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喂,小骑马师!Hallo, you young jockey!

骑马那部分倒是会发生。The horse part, that is.

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骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。Knights joust and frolic.

猎人骑马瞎冲乱闯。The hunter bruised along.

他骑马驰过田野。He galloped across the field.

他和她一同骑马上山。He and she dinked up the hill.

她现在对骑马简直入了迷。She is swooning at equitation.

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骑马的人勒住了马。The rider reined in his horse.

他穿着骑马服看真来很帅。He looks great in riding clothes.

他骑马奔驰过田野。The horse galloped down the hill.

他们骑马飞驰而去。They galloped off on their horse.

你喜欢网球还是骑马?Do you like tennis or horse-riding?

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骑马时要骑在鞍子上。He saddled his horse and rode away.

上星期他们骑马来探望我们。They rode over to see us last week.

我们一起骑马回到特恩费得。Together we rode back to Thornfield.

很快地,我们骑马消失在夜幕里。Quickly, we rode away into the night.

他沿着跑道骑马奔驰。He galloped the horse along the track.

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他给马装上鞍子便骑马离去了。He saddled up his horse and rode away.

幽灵似的骑马人在夜间催马而过。Phantom horsemen rode by in the night.

骑马离开的时候,我们谁也说不出话来。As we rode away none of us could speak.