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沉默者不会作出不利于自己的证言。The silent bear no witness against themselves.

什么使专家证言让陪审员感到可靠?What makes expert witnesses credible with jurors?

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角力者的证言表明他有大量房地产.The wrestler’s testimony manifests that he has large estates.

这位雄辩的律师在法庭上对证人的证言提出质疑。The eloquent lawyer impugned the witness's story in the court.

它也将对部长们拒绝给予证言提出批评。It will also criticise ministers for refusing to give evidence.

第一章为刑事书面证言概论。The first section is conspectus of criminal written deposition.

主要的方法是录取当事人和证人的宣誓证言。The chief method is to take depositions of parties and witnesses.

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证言应是无限的字符和文本或HTML格式。The Testimonial should be unlimited characters and either Text or HTML.

写有他名字的证物和目击证人的证言都证明他与罪案有关。A clue with his name on it and eyewitness testimony tie him to the crime.

证人证言的记录就称为书面证词。The records of what was said by the witnesses are called the depositions.

在刑事诉讼活动中,提供证言的同案犯具有特殊地位。The accomplice providing testimony in criminal litigation has special role.

以下是节选自报告中的几份来自家务工的证言Select testimonies from domestic workers in Singapore featured in the report

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我们收集这些推荐证言,并将其展示在所有销售材料上和网上。We collected those testimonials and display them on all sales materials and online.

有意思的是,许多幸存者的证言证实了整个事件的来龙去脉。Interestingly, much of the survivor testimony seems to confirm this sequence of events.

口述历史就是对尚还健在的人的自身经历的证言进行系统的搜集…Oral historians are also concerned with storage of their findings for use by later scholars.

对这里的许多人来说,“巴萨”的每场胜利都是加泰罗尼亚地区自治和主权的证言。For many here, every "Barça" victory is an affirmation of Catalonia's autonomy and supremacy.

审查证人证言的真实性和合法性是为判断证人证言证明力服务的。The examination of factuality and legality of witness testimony serves to judge its validity.

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最后分析了直接匿名证言方案的实现机制和它的匿名性。A security hashing algorithm for Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme is presented in the paper.

律师出示那次事故的真实照片,驳倒了证人的证言。The lawyer confuted the testimony of the witness by showing actual photographs of the accident.

他们说默多克在重要证据前"错误的"提供证言。They said Murdoch had been "mistaken" in his testimony regarding an important piece of evidence.