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你们这次要多谢我。You guys owe me bigtime.

阿富汗是次要的。Afghanistan is secondary.

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我们就可以说这个是次要条件So on this one we're okay.

蒙古会是次要文明吗?。Will Mongols be a Minor civ?

这次要格外的特别。This one will be extra-special.

对于这些人,焦虑是次要的。For these men, anxiety is secondary.

但这次要拿出来做个对比。But this one does offer some contrast.

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什么是次要阿卡纳塔罗牌卡?。What are the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards?

它的商品性是主要的,艺术性是次要的。It is a major commodity, art is secondary.

家庭环境仅是一个次要的影响因素。The home environment was a distant second.

其他事物都是次要的。Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

其他我们要买的都是次要的。The rest of the things we buy are secondary.

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但是你不能总是处在次要地位。But you can’t always stay on the back burner.

这次要装多少个空箱?How many empty vans shall we carry this time?

次要的分歧使经理们的任务模糊了。Petty differences befogged the managers' task.

哪些节点是主要和次要的节点。Which nodes act as primary and secondary nodes.

我稍候将回过来再谈一下这个次要的问题。I’ll come back to this flip side a little later.

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但一些人渐渐地认为这是次要的。But some people insensibly consider it secondary.

我尝试了很多次要攀到那个峭壁上,但没有成功。I tried many times to climb the cliff but failed.

相对这个问题,其他问题都是次要的。All the other issues were subordinate to this one.