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善于激励别人发奋图强。Achievers are good at motivating others.

国家建设需人才,发奋图强宏图现。Nation-building needs talent, worked hard and is ambitious.

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他妈一个真男人看到我的车,就应该发奋图强好有一天他也能买一辆。A real man sees my car, and wants to work hard so he can buy it one day.

学会自我宽慰,能容忍挫折,要心怀坦荡,情绪乐观,发奋图强。Institute of self-comfort, can tolerate setbacks to Be forthright, optimistic mood, worked hard.

人们都认识到“落后就要挨打”的道理,开始发奋图强,建设祖国。People are realizing that "delays are dangerous" the truth, start dmitri trenin, build our motherland.

之后,推销员做任何一件事都心平气和,珍惜机会,发奋图强,力争上游。Afterwards, the sales man did anything with a calm mood and cherished every opportunity to improve himself.

我们要发奋图强,好好学习,长大之后成为一个有用的人,为祖国的繁荣昌盛尽自己的力量。We worked hard to learn, grow up to become a useful people, do their own power for the prosperity of the motherland.

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衡水人继往开来,发奋图强,在这片古老而神气的热土上播种下希望,创造出辉煌。Hengshui people into the future, work hard, in this ancient land on the air the next planting hope to create brilliant.

她的生活向我们表明,艰苦奋斗和纪律道路和成功的地方在于发奋图强,沿着大路走。Her life shows us that hard work and discipline are the road to immolation—improvement, and success lies somewhere along the road.

这种失败激励成功,发奋图强,成为名人的例子还有多例。Many other cases may be foundof people who failed and used the failure to motivate them toachieve, to succeed, and to become famous.

戴尔正发奋图强,誓在消费者市场上有一番更大的作为,并努力改变在公众心目中戴尔电脑设计古板的印象。Dell is bound and determined to show that it can be a bigger player in the consumer market.The company also is trying to shake its reputation for stodgy design.

在如今的21世纪快节奏的社会里,大家都在发奋图强的工作中,人际交往是推动工作的一个前进的钥匙,在此建立起来的感情是最真挚的。In today's fast-paced 21st century society, everyone worked hard and work, interpersonal relations is to promote the work of a key forward in this set up is the most sincere feelings.