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对这一篇的回复又是一个里程碑。It is a milepost to this one reply.

可以为一个事件设置多个里程碑。Milestones can be set for an event.

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中国在每一年都迈过了一个新的里程碑。Each year, China passes a new milestone.

这是一项具有里程碑意义的创新So this has been a remarkable innovation.

这对于民主党来说又将是一个里程碑。These will be another milestone for the DPJ.

“本利斯塔”也标志着医药发展的一个里程碑。Benlysta also represents a medical milestone.

音乐势利是独立音乐的里程碑。Music snobbery is a cornerstone of indie music.

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Lupski说,“这是CMT疾病研究史上的一个里程碑。This is a milestone in the field of CMT disease.

它是流行音乐史上具有里程碑意义的杰作。The song remains a pop milestone and masterpiece.

在宝宝成长爆发期和成长里程碑中,预期宝宝的变更Expect changes during growth spurts and milestones

这些项目是我国能源未来的里程碑。These projects are milestones in our energy future.

里程碑付款。整后的工程款。Milestone payment. Entire payment after the project.

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这是我的博客探索之路的一个重要的里程碑。This was a huge milestone for me in my blogging quest.

尽管闷热难当,我们已经跑过了一连串的里程碑。Even in the sweltering heat, the milestones keep coming.

另一类型的评审是阶段和里程碑评审。Another type of review is the phase and milestone review.

这是波莉在前程远大的事业中取得的又一个里程碑。Polley’s promising career has achieved another milestone.

我们知道很多人都在争夺这个'里程碑称号'。We understand there are various names vying for the title.

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此外里程碑付款还用在那些固定价格的项目中。Also, milestone payments are used for fixed price projects.

红旗牌轿车是中国汽车史上的一个里程碑。The Red Flag is one of the auto history benchmarks in China.

在这未完待续的故事里,奥运会是一座里程碑。These Olympics were milestone in that still unfolding story.