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所以别再让前戏草草了事了。So don't skim on foreplay.

已经没有感觉了,就是做也是草草了事。There is no feeling that is too hasty to do.

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玛丽和杰克结婚了,他们的婚礼草草了事。Mary and Jack married, their wedding was a quickie.

警方把这件事作为“误会”草草了事。The police dismissed the incident as a "misunderstanding".

每每信誓旦旦要减肥,却总是草草了事。Often vowed to lose weight, but it always has been too hasty.

很多大学生过去常常对暑期实地调查作业草草了事。Many college students used to rush through their summer fieldwork projects.

一听丈夫得病,她就把那项工作草草了事并赶回家去。On hearing that her husband was ill, she balled of that work and hurried back home.

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探索伴侣的性敏感地带,不应该是草草了事或机械完成。Exploring your lover's erogenous zones is not something you should do quickly, or mechanically.

大多数美国人吃早午餐草草了事,除非是在社交、公务或家人欢聚的场合。Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business, or family occasion.

冲凉本是一种很无聊的事,通常我都是草草了事,那天洗得特别认真。Bath is a very boring thing, usually I just get throught a thing carelessly, that wash very seriously.

它的抓钻设计贯穿整个手部,不会只呈现几个抓钻就草草了事。It is designed to drill throughout the grasping hands, will not only show a few drills on the cursory grasp.

他用了大约30分钟给我理发,并未因为有其他的顾客在排队等候而草草了事。It took him about 30 minutes to finish and he rushed not when there were other clients queuing up for their turns.

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当你没有心情工作的时候,很容易就三心二意地处理事情,只是草草了事。When you don’t feel like working, it’s easy to tackle everything half-heartedly, doing the bare minimum to scrape by.

“至少,他们在谈起我时,”这位为人楷模的人自忖,“会认为裁并非未尽公职或草草了事!”"At least, they shall say of me, " thought this exemplary man, "that I leave no public duty unperformed, nor ill performed!"

我的朋友们一致反对我不顾自己的名声,得不到什么赔偿就这样草草了事。All my friends were unanimous not to let me so far neglect my character as to adjust a thing of this kind without reparation.

他们技术高明的主要原因就是对结肠内壁进行彻底仔细的检查,反对草草了事。A major factor in their success was taking enough time to examine the colon thoroughly, as opposed to rushing through the procedure.

很多大学生过去常常对暑期实地调查作业草草了事。心想干嘛把宝贵的假期浪费在看似无聊的作业上面呢?Many college students used to rush through their summer fieldwork projects. Why waste precious holiday time on seemingly meaningless assignments?

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别为了赶时间而草草了事。匆忙之间会造成失误。既然做事,就一次把它做好。Stay focused and don't get pressured by the ticking clock. Hastiness will lead to careless mistakes. If you are going to do a job, do it right once.

然而,也有几位专家在接受半岛电视台采访时谈到了整合两个民族的努力是如何在新一届喀土穆政府面前草草了事的。However, several people in interviews with Al Jazeera stated that what brief window existed for integrating the two peoples was quickly squandered by successive governments in Khartoum.