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龙舟歌是粤剧、粤曲的一种曲牌。Longzhou Shuochang is a kind of tune of Cantonese opera.

曲牌,是中国传统音乐的独特乐曲形式。Qupai is a distinctive form of Chinese traditional music.

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晋剧音乐由唱腔、曲牌、打击乐组成。Jin opera is composed by aria, names of opera and percussion.

潮剧的唱腔,包括曲牌、对偶曲和小调。The arias of Chaozhou opera include Tune, Dual Tune and Minor Tune.

曲牌的诞生,宣布了一个新的音乐体系行将诞生。The birth of qu tunes heralded the birth of a new type of musical system.

威风锣鼓的曲牌,既独立成章,又联缀成套。Power and prestige of the Qupai gongs, Chengzhang both independent and combination sets.

而“依字声行腔”方式的普遍使用,其后果是导致古曲牌定腔逐渐消解。Secondly, when this method is used widely, the steady Nanbeiqu melody would gradually collapse.

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下面的诗歌系现今已经佚忘的曲牌,它们代表了那一时期的大众文学的范本。The following poems set to now-forgotten tunes are examples of the popular literature of that period.

因其曲目、曲牌众多、唱腔优美,长期以来受到广大人民的喜爱。With a rich variety of tune names and patterns and enchanting arias , it has always been popular among the folks.

第三章针对万载得胜鼓乐班的演奏乐器、曲牌及其音乐本体形态进行细致、深入的探究。Chapter III for winning Wanzai musical instruments music classes, and music Qupai detailed body shape, in-depth inquiry.

第二部分从河南曲剧唱腔音乐的基本特点出发,分析了唱腔音乐的旋律特点、调式、常用唱腔曲牌、乐队与伴奏乐器。Based on the primary features of Hennanquju arias, the second part analysizes its musical features, mode, usually used tunes, band and instruments.

其曲牌大都由多个能单独演奏的锣鼓段子联结而成,是一种联套曲体结构,它主要用于广场表演。Qupai by a number of its most able to separate playing gongs and drums Duan from linking is a joint structure Cycles, which the main plaza for performances.

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而现存宋词中三声通押之调历来被视为词者多可以曲牌视之,或近于曲体。The existing Sanshengtongxie of Song's Ci has always been regarded as Ci, most of which could be regarded as the names of tunes or nearly as the style of Qu.

元代酒令常用曲牌中,有的来自北方少数民族乐曲,有的来自道教音乐,反映出元曲的多元性。Some of the musical titles in these games are from northern minority peoples, and some from Taoist music, reflecting the multiplicity of the Yuan poetic drama.

详细分析了凤台推剧唱腔音乐的旋律特点、调式、常用的曲牌、各种板式、乐队与伴奏乐器等。This part analysises the melody characteristic, mode, commonly used tunes , kind of Ban form and the instruments for accompaniment of this drama's vocal music.

广西文场源远流长,它以唱腔曲牌丰富、音乐优美典雅、旋律性强等特点在曲艺世界享有盛名。Wenchang in Guangxi has a long history and is famous in the world folk art for its various singing tones, graceful music and strong melodic as its characteristics.

打击乐在土家族的婚丧仪式中运用非常广泛,具有独特的风格,形成了许多独立的曲牌。Percussion instrumental music, which has special style and a good deal of independent Qupai is widely used in wedding ceremony and funeral in the Tujia Nationality.

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后为元杂剧的唱曲起了定型作用,并为之提供了基本的乐调和曲牌,奠定了本色美的艺术特征。It helped fix the form of the Qu of the Zaju and provided primary tunes and names for the Zaju, which laid the foundation for the artistic feature of original beauty.

抒情手法上,则已有部分作品能以多支曲牌围绕著表记意象抒咏心事,深入阐发表记的精神意义。As for the technique to express one's emotion, some works expressed one's emotion according to the speciality of pledge, to give the pledge more profound meaning of spirit.

他作品中的某些曲牌在其家乡三百年来久唱不衰,被誉为明清俗曲的活化石。Some tune names of his works continue to be popular for more than three hundred years in his hometown and are hailed as the living fossil of folk songs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.