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他走的时候脸上飞扬跋扈的样子。He walks with an imperious look.

他是一个飞扬跋扈的人。He is a domineering sort of fellow.

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我认为她盛气凌人、飞扬跋扈。I think she was arrogant, domineering.

人就活这一次,理应活的飞扬跋扈。People live this time, should live arrogant.

蒋军官兵在抚顺飞扬跋扈。Chiang's officers and soldiers in Fuhsun city were very arrogant.

我不会为那种像史密斯先生那样对每个人都飞扬跋扈的人工作。I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer over everyone as Mr.

米克老是飞扬跋扈地告诉人们干什么事情。Mick's always throwing his weight about and telling people what to do.

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我不会为那种像史密斯先生那样对每个人都飞扬跋扈的人工作。I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer over everyone as Mr. Smith does.

在那支飞扬跋扈的米兰队中,即便是花那么多钱买来的帕潘也常常被忽视。Even Papin who had been brought at such cost was often left out of a Milan team in imperious form.

我重获单身女身份,飞扬跋扈,不要约会,不必担心男人怎么想。It turned me back into the imperious single girl, the one was above dating and didn't need to impress a man.

伊朗总统声明15个被扣英军侵犯了伊朗水域,而且飞扬跋扈拒绝道歉。Iran's president says 15 captured British sailors trespassed Iranian waters and he says world powers are arrogant for refusing to apologize.

自由绝非飞扬跋扈为所欲为,自由可以是做任何你想做的事情,但前提是无害于他人。So liberty does not necessarily mean that you do whatever you want arrogantly and contumeliously, but the premise to be "WITH NO HARM TO OTHERS".

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丹东个性暴躁,刚愎自用,活一个飞扬跋扈的政客。但他记忆力惊人,口才极有蛊惑力。Danton was a headstrong firebrand, a swashbuckling political showman with a prodigious memory, whose spectacular oratory held audiences in thrall.

民主的现实主义者和公允的社会学家承认,夸大其词的竞争幌子后面躲着个不平等乃至飞扬跋扈的天地。Democratic realists and impartial sociologists recognize that behind the façade of boastful competition lies a world of inequality and domination.

我想一定会有人说我骑上高马而飞扬跋扈,看,我没动这手术吧,所以我还能骑马。I realize that I'll be accused of getting on my high horse about this. But, see, I haven't had this kind of surgery, so I can still get on a horse.