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她能勇往直前毫无惧色。She went ahead, nothing daunted.

他局促地眨着眼睛,脸容苍白,面露惧色。Blinking nervously, he looked pale and scared.

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面对凶人,小王面无惧色。Facing the ferocious man, Xiao Wang showed no fear.

我们的战士,在敌人的炮火下,毫无惧色。Our soldiers displayed no fear under the enemy's fire.

他睁开眼毫不惧色地看着这条蛇。Hercules opens his eyes and looks at the snake fearlessly.

印碧霞毫无惧色,她问江川林涛现在哪里?Print brigitte chardonnay waded, she asked jiangchuan Lin tao now?

石油工人在困难面前毫无惧色。The oil workers showed no sign of fear before the great difficulties.

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令人惊讶的是他们这些人面对死亡毫无惧色。Surprisingly enough, none of them showed any sign of fear in face of death.

我毫无惧色地走上前去,拉开沉重的帘幕迈了进去。I walked on without trembling, and drawing the heavy curtain aside I entered in.

每一天每一日,我们毫无惧色的穿过发出臭气的黑暗,一步一步的走向地狱。Every day we descend a step further toward Hell, Without horror, through gloom that stinks.

这时福尔摩斯坚毅的面孔上依然毫无惧色,薄薄的嘴唇上仍然挂著轻蔑的笑容。Still the strong face did not blench, and still the scornful smile played about the thin lips.

我可以毫无惧色地说,国米也在想赢冠军杯的十一支球队里。I can say without any fear that Inter is one of the eleven teams who want to win the Champions League.

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利欲熏心的冼致富将朱瑾告发,而面对行将降临的死亡,朱瑾谈笑自若,毫无惧色。Unite the rich will wash XunXin ZhuJin reporting, and face will come ZhuJin laughing as death, and fearless.

一群人的领袖站起来,没有惧色的发现突然扔在他右肩上的隐形的力量斗篷。A leader of men erect and fearless suddenly finds thrown across his right shoulder an invisible mantle of power.

只有树立强大的自信,我们才能在压力之下毫无惧色并且把梦想变成现实。Only by building strong self-confidence can we demonstrate grace under pressure and turn our dreams into reality.

每一次让你面带惧色的经历,都会让人收获力量,收获勇气,收获自信。You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

很久以前,有位水手叫布拉沃船长。他是个真正的男人,面对敌人毫无惧色。Long ago, there lived a sailor named Captain Bravo. He was a real man, who showed no fear when facing his enemies.

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日本人侵略中国本是有错在先,姚珂毫无惧色将顾一男骂了个狗头淋血。This is Chinese Japanese aggression was wrong earlier, Yao Ke Gu Yinan will be unafraid to scold a dog with blood.

为了他们的伟大领袖,他们跋山涉水,不顾疲劳,面临各种艰难险阻而毫无惧色。They climbed mountains, waded rivers, endured fatigue, faced all kinds of danger for the sake of their great leader.

四位英雄中其中一人接受记者访问时并无惧色,他说﹕「男人打女人,理所当然要阻止。」One of the four heroes showed no fear when interviewed, saying "It's a reasonable act to stop a man beating a woman."