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难民们相继因病丧身。The refugees were dying off from disease.

你们追击仇敌时,他们必在你们面前丧身刀下。You shall pursue your enemies, and they shall fall before you.

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而那时,已经有约1300名日军和超过7600名国军丧身此间。By then some 1,300 Japanese and more than 7,600 Chinese lay dead.

这只鞋来自寡妇、孤儿和所有在伊拉克战争中丧身的人。This is from the widows, the orphans, and those who were killed in Iraq.

我宣誓忠于在诺曼底登陆时丧身泥泞杀场的战士,因为有他们我才得以自由。I pledge allegiance to the boys who died in the mud at Normandy so I could be free.

这个百万富翁超速驾车穿越伦敦城,结果在车祸中丧身。The millionaire was killed in a car crash after driving at high speed through London.

东部肯塔基州的一个煤矿发生了一起爆炸,五名矿工丧身。Five miners were killed when an explosion ripped through a coal mine in eastern Kentucky.

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一名船员丧身。一艘美国海船在帮助扑火和营救船员。One crewman has been killed. An American navy ship is helping fight the fire and rescue the crews.

八名雪上汽车驾驶者在加拿大的穷乡僻壤失踪,有人怀疑他们因为当地的雪崩而丧身。Eight snowmobilers are missing and some are feared dead following avalanches in Canada's backcountry.

日本警方向日本共和社表示,已经有433人证实丧身,另外有784人失踪。Japanese police told Kyodo news agency 433 people are confirmed to have died and 784 more are missing.

围攻期间,西班牙因对敌行为死亡的人数是3000人,但因伤寒丧身的却又有17000人。During the siege, the Spaniards lost 3, 000 men to enemy action but an additional 17, 000 died of typhus.

在30年之战中,据估计约8百万德国人丧身于黑死病和斑疹伤寒。In the Thirty Years’ War, an estimated 8 million Germans were wiped out by bubonic plague and typhus fever.

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他们得到预言赚了钱不会感恩,却不知这样做将会导致更多的人在灾难来临之时而丧身。They do not know owe Sage YunFeng anything. Because of that, many people die when natural disasters are coming.

这件事情的标志是布托在卡拉奇回家的游行中自杀性的爆炸袭击,导致多达140人丧身。The event was marked by a suicide bomb attack on her homecoming parade in Karachi, which killed over 140 people.

首尔、华盛顿以及一些其它国家的政府认为是北韩的鱼雷造成了导致46名韩国海军军人丧身的这起沉船事件。Seoul, Washington and others blame a North Korean torpedo for the incident in which 46 South Korean sailors died.

翁及丕贝色特的壮丁必丧身刀下,二城的人都要被掳去。The young men of Heliopolis, and of Bubastus shall fall by the sword, and they themselves shall go into captivity.

在周日的火灾中丧身的六分之一的学生是南卡罗莱纳州大学学生,其他的是克莱森大学。Six of the seven college students killed in Sunday's fire were South Carolina students. The other was from Clemson.

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人权组织说,目前已经有数万名津巴布韦人被迫流离失所,85人丧身于选举的暴力。Already, tens of thousands of Zimbabweans have been uprooted from their homes and 85 people have died in election violence, human rights groups say.

雇士、普特、路得和一切杂族,利比亚和同他们结盟的本地人,都要丧身刀下。Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the rest of the crowd, and Chub, and the children of the land of the covenant, shall fall with them by the sword.

据估计,哪里都有少至2万多则10万的人因此而丧身,或相当于欧洲三分之一的人口。It is estimated that anywhere from 20 to 100 million people were killed worldwide, or the approximate equivalent of one third of the population of Europe.