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运动障碍是一种运动功能的紊乱。Dyspraxia is a movement disorder.

湿疹伴有胃紊乱。Eczema with gastric derangements.

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迈克大脑的这部分比较紊乱。Mike is quite disorganized there.

进食紊乱症腐蚀牙釉质Eating Disorders Erode Tooth Enamel

蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。He crouched down among the tangled foliage.

紊乱性或阵息性使速度产生波动。Turbulence or gusts produce velocity fluctuations.

紊乱对很多人来说是另一件恼人的事情。Clutter is another scary thing for a lot of people.

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日间奢睡可以是由睡眠紊乱造成的。Daytime sleepiness can be caused by sleep disorders.

我所看到的一切都是女人患有进食紊乱。All I had ever seen were women with eating disorders.

医生一致把RBD认作是某种孤立的紊乱。Doctors used to think of RBD as an isolated disorder.

如果你有潜在的不适、紊乱,去看医生。If you have an underlying disorder, go to the doctor.

一般认为自闭症是一种紊乱的表现。is to think that autism is a form of disorganisation.

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如果你是一个大的机体紊乱恢复原状这有趣的齿轮的比赛只是为了你。If you are a big puzzler fun Gears is game just for you.

有专家称对性格紊乱的诊断也许偏激。One expert said personality disorders may be overdiagnosed.

纱线的表层纤维的排列变得紊乱、毛糙。The surface fibers of the yarn become disordered and coarse.

第6周,缺损处可见结构紊乱的新生骨。At 6 weeks, disorganized new bone was found in the defection.

睡懒觉会错过早餐,造成饮食紊乱。Oversleeping will miss breakfast, caused by eating disorders.

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这不仅仅是生态紊乱,更是白痴的组织。This isn't just ecological lunacy, it's idiotic organisation.

欺负的人不论是谁都没有安全感,有一个精神紊乱。Whoever bullies people is insecure, and has a mental disorder.

假如激素水品紊乱,你是很难成功的!If they’re out of whack, then you’ll struggle to be successful!