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我们要感谢评阅人对我们的稿子所做的一切。We want to thank the referees for all that you do for our manuscript.

公众评阅从2009年11月14开始,到2010年1月13日结束。The public review started on November 14th 2009, and will end on January 13th 2010.

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定性调查包括深入访谈、专题小组讨论、资料评阅等。Qualitative survey included in-depth interview, focus-group discussion and document review.

然而,经验显示,没有同侪评阅,出版品的品质差异很大。However, experience shows that, without peer review, the quality of publications varies considerably.

法官贝克洛夫指示由乔.杰克逊聘请的医学专家可以评阅有关档案,但不能取得副本。Beckloff's order states a medical expert hired by Joe Jackson can review the files, but not copy them.

算例说明该算法能有效提高主观题自动评阅的精确度。Finally , an example showed that the algorithm can effectively improving the Subjective Test's automated assesment.

很多科学家都抱怨说史丹福应该把他的研究成果先在供同行评阅的刊物上登载,然后再公之于众。Many scientists grumble that Stanford should publish his findings in peer-reviewed journals be-fore talking in public.

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之后,江苏省的各级领导开始招募本地的网络评阅员。In the months that followed, party leaders across Jiangsu Province began recruiting their own teams of Web commentators.

还因为这些文章需要学界的同事审阅反馈,并且在发表前需要审稿人评阅。It also requires colleagues to read it and provide feedback, as well as reviewers to evaluate it formally for publication.

然而也有分析家称,“网络评阅员”的出现标志着党的意识形态控制的降低。Some analysts, however, say the emergence of China’s Web commentators suggest a weakening of the Party’s ideological controls.

是否有生产计划书例如每年更新的信息需要JAS认证机构评阅?Is production plan documentation such as annual organic renewal information available for review by the registered JAS certifier?

第二阅卷人将核查你的试卷,无论是谁的试卷,其评阅标准都是相同的,阅卷人会公正地对待每一位同学。This second marking checks that, no matter who marks your work, the standard is the same and that every student is treated fairly.

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内部评阅结束以后,斯泰福厦大学的考试官将审查所有的评分,并且检查相关学生的作业。Once the work has been marked internally, the SU examiner will review all the marks awarded and look at a selection of students' work.

内部评阅结束以后,斯泰福厦大学的考试官将审查所有的评分,并且检查相关学生的作业。Once the work has been marked internally, the SU examiner will review all the marks awarded and look at a selection of students’ work.

结合协力同侪评阅和公开讨论等方式的新办法,可以强化品质保证的效率。New approaches, such as the combination of collaborative peer review and public discussion, can enhance the efficiency of quality assurance.

应聘请在论文涉及的研究方向上有较深学术造诣并熟悉论文研究领域的专家为论文评阅人。Reviewers should be specialists with profound knowledge or those familiar with the research direction of the dissertation in a specific field.

2007年年中,全国各地学校和党组织报告了网络评阅员队伍取得的喜人成绩。By the middle of 2007, schools and party organizations across the country were reporting promising results from their teams of Web commentators.

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怀疑学生有学术欺骗行为的评阅老师或监考老师会呈上一份书面报告给项目主管,但是学生上交的作业仍然会被正常评阅。The marker or invigilator suspecting academic dishonesty will submit a written report to the programme leader. The assignment will be marked as normal.

出题或评阅的老师们无非是想看到一些自我膨胀或自我陶醉罢了,这正是我所厌烦的东西。The purpose of the teachers who assigned or will read the composition is to see some words of self-glorification or self-satisfaction , of which I am sick.

通过文献评阅法和两轮专家咨询,最后得出了医院信息系统效益分析评价指标体系。Trough 2 circles of brain storm and consulting references, the index system of benefit analysis and evaluation of hospital information system is finally educed.