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我急切的等待着下一章的问世!I eagerly await the next chapter!

它是靠两代人的长期辛劳才问世的。For the work of time belongs to man.

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往年炎天将有新的型号问世。A new model will come out this summer.

一个新的英汉字典问世了。A new English–Chinese dictionary is out.

它甫一问世便经历严峻考验。It was immediately put to a severe test.

碳素线是那一年推出问世的?When was fluorocarbon line first invented?

在1948年第一个磁芯存贮器问世。The first core memory was envisioned in 1948.

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问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许。Ask the world, what is love, straight thinking.

我们的词典将于今春问世。Our dictionary will make its bow in the spring.

贝尔实验室纵横中央局交换机问世。Bell introduces crossbar central office switches.

世界首个骆驼奶巧克力在阿联酋问世。World's first camel-milk chocolates going global.

随着旧电影的腐烂,新电影将有机会得以问世。With it the new film has a chance to come to life.

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90年代末,我国的第一个学习者语料库CLEC问世。A learner corpus CLEC was born by the end of 1990s.

一部新汉英词典即将问世A new Chinese-English dictionary will soon come out.

问世间、情是何物,直教生死相许?Ask the world, what is love, direct teaching and die?

新问世的这本书使他更加享有盛名。The newly-published book has added to his reputation.

到1908年,第一个滴滤式咖啡壶问世。And by 1908, the first drip coffeemaker was introduced.

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一种战地三明治问世了。It has come up with a sandwich fit for the battlefield.

爱色丽的第一台色度仪也于1989年问世。X-Rite's first colorimeter was also introduced in 1989.

1996年,第一款便携式数字音乐播放器问世。The first portable digital music players came out in 1996.