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为了管理好工厂,他可真是煞费苦心。He took great pains to manage the factory well.

她煞费苦心教育她的子女。She took great pains in educating her children.

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为了能捞到想得到的东西,不惜煞费苦心,巧取豪夺。They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got.

为什么要煞费苦心地拿板块学说和大陆漂移来进行类比?Why this elaborate analogy with plate tectonics and continental drift?

赛义德为区分真理和价值,这两个概念煞费苦心。Said is at pains to make a distinction, therefore, between truth and value.

公司都煞费苦心地把自己打扮成讨人喜欢的世界公民。Companies are at pains to present themselves as warm-and-fuzzy global citizens.

在这篇文章上她煞费苦心达数周之久后,突然间灵机一动找到了布局的方法。After toiling at the article for weeks, she suddenly found the right way to organize it.

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加拿大圭尔夫大学的T•莱恩•格里高利博士煞费苦心的创作出这样的细菌艺术品。Microbial art is the brainchild of Dr T Ryan Gregory from Canada's University of Guelph.

那位白发男子仍然在煞费苦心,还在向他的下级助手讲解他所需要的究竟是什么呢。The white-haired man was still trying to explain what he wanted to the junior assistant.

甚至当提供了尸体,学者们依然认为这是煞费苦心的缝合在一起的骗局。Even when offered a corpse, scholars suspected that it was an elaborate, sewn-together fraud.

她并没有在华尔街找工作,而是开始在网上煞费苦心地寻找其他情人。Rather than look for a job on Wall Street, she began an elaborate online hunt for other hookups.

关于孩子底名字,秀才是煞费苦心地想着,但总想不出一个相当的字来。As to the baby's name, the scholar racked his brains, but just could not hit upon a suitable one.

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唐尼煞费苦心工工整整地在黑板上抄写题目,并且把第一行的答案填了出来。Donnie had copied the problems with painstaking neatness and filled in answers for the first row.

但塔卡奇煞费苦心,改用左手重新练习射击——结是工夫不负有心人,他荣获了一枚奥运会奖牌。Takacs painstakingly retrained himself to shoot with his left hand-well enough to win an Olympic medal.

在本系列文章中,在有限的空间中选择哪些内容进行讨论让我煞费苦心。Throughout this series of articles, I had to make hard choices on what to cover in the available space.

不过,可以肯定的是,尽管杨致远煞费苦心,但雅虎保持独立公司地位的希望是越来越渺茫了。But one thing that is growing less likely is the scenario that Jerry Yang wants -- an independent Yahoo.

被判处绞刑的布思阴谋犯罪人,是否是更高层人士们煞费苦心用来掩盖真相的替罪羊?Were the convicted and hanged Booth co-conspirators scapegoats for higher figures in a massive cover-up?

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一位好客的本地旅游出版商请我吃晚饭,煞费苦心地向我介绍这里的好处。A nice publicist for local tourism took me to dinner and tried valiantly to persuade me of the town's merits.

对于自己的新房,他煞费苦心,终于营造出一个古典与现代结合的空间。To oneself new residence, he is elaborative, build eventually give classic the space with contemporary union.

不过为造成需求我校亦煞费苦心,已花去广告费五千元。Nevertheless we have helped to create that demand. We have already spent five thousand dollars in advertising.