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他的评论总是一针见血。His remarks always hit the nail on the head.

你的分析确实一针见血。Your analysis really hit the nail on the head.

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别担心,他仍然满嘴俏皮话一针见血。Don't worry, he's still full of one-liners and quips.

分析问题都很简截,却往往一针见血。She always analyzes problems in a simple and direct way.

问题要问得一针见血,方能看清真相。To find out the truth you have to ask the right questions.

页面中的逻辑相当简单,但一针见血。The logic in the page is fairly simple, but it illustrates the point.

坂本龙马纪念馆馆长森健志郎一针见血地指出。Sakamoto Ryoma Museum Curator Shiro Mori pointed out sharply that health.

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梅姨母像本叔叔那样惊讶,而且她言语中肯,一针见血。Aunt May rocks just as much as Uncle Ben, and she hit the nail on the head.

虽然一针见血,但是受挫的英国公众不大可能有争论这个的心情。Touché. But the bruised British public is unlikely to be in the mood for such argument.

张斌,有时你看问题很准,也能一针见血。Zhang Bin, sometimes you could see straight, can also pierce to the heart of the matter.

迈克在演讲中,一针见血地指出了当前房屋政策的弊端。Mike hit the nail on the head in his speech on the demerits of the existing housing policy.

演出效果很妙,尤其是马迈特在剧本里接二连三地撒上一针见血的俏皮话。The effect is clever, especially when Mr Mamet peppers the script with incisive one-liners.

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耶稣一针见血地指出,是人的心硬导致了婚姻破裂。With heart-piercing accuracy, Jesus states that hard-heartedness causes marriage breakdown.

她对于各种白痴行为,如关于男人的、女人的、做饭的、政治的、都一针见血。She is sharp as a razor on the idiocies of men and women, cooking, politics and relationships of all kinds.

直言不讳、一针见血、坚忍不拔的雷克斯甚至敢于向最高级别的绝地表达自己专业的观点。Gruff, no-nonsense and tough as nails, Rex voiced his professional opinion to even the highest-ranking Jedi.

陪审团一针见血的反驳却使得他俩成为仅有的两个在审判中输了的独立检察官。The jury’s stinging rebuke made Smaltz and Starr the only two independent counsels ever to lose jury trials.

相比之下,微软技术支持代表往往能够一针见血地指出组件例如IIS的问题所在。In comparison Microsoft support representatives are often able to pinpoint issues with components such as IIS.

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做市场就是做品牌,这在今天的移动通信市场上可谓是一针见血的箴言。To do so is the market brand, which in today's mobile communications market is very penetratingly of Proverbs.

这封信一针见血的指出否认气候变化的人是典型的教条主义者。The letter takes direct aim the "climate change deniers" saying they are "typically driven by special interests or dogma."

应用这些短语动词来作说明时,我们就能更为扼要、明了,一针见血,能够有效剔除多余的一些词汇表达。The use of phrasal verbs can effectively make our explanations more concise and to the point, eliminating unnecessary words.