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什么东西可以祛除杨梅汁?What gets out waxberry juice?

祛除黄褐斑的最好中药是什么?Get rid of melasma what is the best medicine?

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这种药祛除感冒很有效。The medicine is effective for knocking colds.

到医院祛除脂肪瘤会留痕吗?Can you leave mark to hospital dispel lipoma ?

祛除黄褐斑的最好中药产品是什么?The best get rid of melasma medicine products?

手术祛除脸上的痔麻烦吗?Is the naevus on operation dispel face troublesome?

怎样祛除天生的鸡皮身子?How the gallinaceous skin body with inherent dispel?

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兼爱是否在祛除自私心?", and "whether 'Universal Love' dissolves selfishness?

醋也帮助我们祛除那些烦人的臭味。It also helps remove those odors that can be irritating.

祛除毛发、毛囊炎和人体多余的体毛。Dispel hair, folliculitis and surplus hear of human body.

增加一个选项是否显示可祛除魔法和诅咒等。Added the option to toggle self castable and curable spells.

有没有祛除眼睛浮肿的方法?方便一点的。Have the method of dispel eye dropsy ? A bit more convenient.

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热水和长时间的淋浴或泡澡能祛除你皮肤中的油分。Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin.

牙膏可以用来祛除牙齿表面的污渍。Toothpastes use abrasives and chemicals to remove surface stains.

含HCS亮白配方,有助洁白牙齿,祛除牙垢。With HCS white formula will help clean teeth, eliminate the tartar.

要是用这个酒鼻净快速祛除我的鼻上红就没效果吗?If the net with this wine quickly wipe my nose on the red nose no effect?

认为吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外奇谈,多年前已祛除殆尽。The myth that eating carrot improved your eyesight was exploded years ago.

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这简单的实验定能祛除你尚存的一点怀疑。This brief experiment would dispel any further doubts you might entertain.

吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外奇谈,多年前已祛除殆尽。The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago.

对于治疗疟疾而言,祛除湿气是比服用奎宁更好的办法。Clearing swamps is a better way to tackle malaria than administering quinine.