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虽然他们通讯清楚而且天南地北地聊,但是得有耐心。Although they had some clear and extensive conversations, they had to be patient.

这些美食来自天南地北,从西非到亚洲,意味著每个人都可以分享自己喜欢的食物。Foods from West Africa to Asia mean that there is something for everyone to enjoy.

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毕加索一边作画,一边与她天南地北地聊些他们感兴趣的话题。While Picasso painted they talked about everything in the world that interested them.

我们就这样天南地北地聊着一些无关紧要的话,不知不觉间,我已经深深地爱上他。With all the wonderful nothings he told me, I feel deeper and deeper in love with him.

他还表示,自己也有许多朋友从天南地北来他这里借住,游玩。He said he, too, had friends coming over and living with him when they visited his city.

主办方说,前来参加这次文化节的人来自从北京到香港的天南地北。Organizers said people were coming to the festival from Beijing and Hong Kong among other places.

他还表示,自己也有许多朋友从天南地北来他这里借住,游玩。He said he, too, had friends from other cities coming over and living with him when they visited his city.

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他们来自世界各地,天南地北,操着各种语言。They came from the four corners of the world, east and west, north and south, and they spoke many languages.

天南地北的八个陌生人,因为“大学”两个字走到了一起,形成了我的一个新家。Far apart of eights are stranger, because"university" two words walked to together, becoming one of my new house.

对我来说,无论我来到世界何方,天南地北几乎都有香槟相待,一想到此,令人心满意足。For me it's a wonderful thought that almost anywhere I go in the world, the flavor is waiting for me in the bottle.

对于我来说,无论我来到世界何方,天南地北几乎都有香槟相待,一想到如此,令人心满意足。For me it's a wonderful thought that almost anywhere I got in the world, the flavor is waiting for me in the bottle.

他们三个在里面天南地北的聊着,而外面的人着急的像热锅上的蚂蚁。The three of them inside the chat far apart from each other, while the outside people anxious like ants on a hot pan.

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我们互相参与,开拓我们的思维,让我们接触天南地北的思想,设计。We are involved with each other, open up our thinking, so that we have come from different places of the ideas, design.

这也许听起来太天南地北了,但联邦管理员正在研究丰田车的突然增速是否与宇宙线有关。It may sound far-fetched, but federal regulators are studying whether sudden acceleration in Toyotas is linked to cosmic rays.

天南地北,四处飘洒着我们的跟,就如同那薄公英,四海为家。From the North to the South our roots take hold here and there, just as dandelions make everywhere around the world their homes.

但我的老朋友很微妙地触及了另外一个事实,即这个国家一代又一代的人散布在天南地北。Yet my old friend has touched, however delicately, on that other truth about a country scattered over generations and geography.

这种人不难辨别,由于他们喜欢指出两个天南地北的概念之间在纯理论上的相似点。These kind of people can be identified because they love to point out the theoretical similarity between two widely divergent concepts.

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我们这些人实际相处已有时日,除了紧张的技术交流,休息时也会天南地北地聊上一阵。Actually, we had been working together for a long time. We might have rambling chatting during the breaks in the tense technical exchange.

无论你在天南地北,抑或天涯海角,都会在这个金桂飘香的夜晚,举杯邀月。Wherever you far apart from each other, or even the remotest corners of the globe, will be in this Kim fragrance night, drank the invitation.

你可以一整天与祂天南地北,无所不谈地,告诉祂你做什么、想什么。You can carry on a continuous, open-ended conversation with him throughout your day, talking with him about whatever you are doing or thinking at that moment.