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侏儒的护肩已在大小上变小,而武器则增大了不少。Dwarf male shoulder pads have decreased in size, and weapons have increased in size.

永恒之塔装甲类型取决于子项目的位置身穿T恤,信,护肩,手套和靴子。Aion Armor types depend on location of sub-wearing T-shirt, shin, shoulder pad, gloves, and boots.

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麦蒂计划在自己的护肩下面穿一件白色的T恤。McGrady plans on wearing a white shirt under his jersey that has a protective pad on his left shoulder.

之后是春天的三周训练,戴上头盔和护肩长跑,但没有比赛。Then they have three weeks of spring practice, running around in helmets and shoulder pads, but no games.

带队士官除了穿戴特化头盔之外也经常穿橙色护肩与多用途背包。Squad sergeants often wore orange shoulder pauldrons and multipurpose backpacks as well as their specialized helmets.

结论护肩带对脑卒中患者肩关节脱位有预防作用。Conclusion Shoulder Belt Protector has a function of preventing the dislocation of shoulder for brain apoplexy patients.

目的探讨护肩带对脑卒中患者肩关节脱位的预防作用。Objective To analyze the function of Shoulder Belt Protector in preventing the dislocation of shoulder for brain apoplexy patients.

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我在设计了护肩和束腰外衣,是想使大家想起杰迪的原型所穿的褐色的袍子,而这护肩与束腰外衣,也使战甲看上去更为正式。With the shoulder pauldrons and waist tunic, I tried to evoke the brown Jedi robes, I also felt they gave the armor a ceremonial feel.

这位35岁的音乐人穿着凸显身材的黑色光腿制服,饰有金色和银色的数字,镶嵌着宝石的胸衣和结构复杂的护肩和护腿板。The 35-year-old poured her figure into a leg-baring black, gold and silver number, complete with bejewelled breast plates and structured shoulder and hip panels.

这位35岁的音乐人穿著凸显身材的黑色光腿制服,饰有金色和银色的数字,镶嵌著宝石的胸衣和结构复杂的护肩和护腿板。The 35-year-old poured her figure into a leg-baring black, gold and silver number, complete with bejewelled breast plates and structured shoulder and hip panels.

本实用新型为一种改进型护肩、护肘、护膝或护腰,属于保健品领域。The utility model relates to an improved shoulder protector, elbow protector, knee protector or waist protector, which belongs to the field of a health-care article.

例如,假设你作为一名兽人,在杀了足够多的矮人后将得到一个矮人头骨,你可以勾在护肩刺上,悬在腰带扣上,或者拿条链子挂在脖子上。For example, if you're an Orc and you kill enough Dwarf's, you could get a Dwarf skull that you could place on your shoulder spikes, on your belt buckle, or perhaps on a chain around you neck.