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那是个单一民族的国家。It's a single -nation state.

单一片面铝铸造件。Single sided aluminum cast piece.

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在他那小块土地上,他只能采用单一耕种法。He had to singel-crop on his plot.

水价格体系不完备,结构单一等情况。The system of price isn't perfect.

在这种情况下,我们有单一的个体。In this case, we have a single one.

这个子囊看起来像一个单一的细胞。The ascus looks like a single cell.

如何构建一个单一值的复选框How to build a single-value checkbox

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制作一个单一浮点数可拖动控制柄。Make a single-float draggable handle.

仅凭单一的工具解决不了问题。No single tool will solve the problem.

视频为卡雷西哥单一的“残忍”。Video for the Calexico single "Cruel".

作为单一品牌的零售商,它现在可以了。As a single-brand retailer, it now can.

到这时,我已经得到单一元素情况了。At this stage I'm at my singleton case.

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每一格都是单一的下拉式菜单。Every block is a single drop-down menu.

NET应用程序的偏好是使用单一的ASP。NET applications using single-file ASP.

牛带绦虫具有单一型生活史。Beef tapeworms have a simple life cycle.

合并或单一访问点。Consolidation or single-point of access.

接下来,我编译这一切都成一个单一包。Next I compile all this into a single pack.

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现在的人拥有的不应该是片面单一的观点。In my opinion, the second view is one-sided.

单一甘油型冷冻保护液。One glycerin type freezes protection liquid.

记录阵列中单一元素的修复。Records a fixup for one element in an array.