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这座热电站从1946年就开始投入使用。The station has been working since 1946.

将来大多数地热电站都会采用双循环的方式发电。Most geothermal power plants in the future will be binary plants.

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所有的超级热电站都将仅由中国人提供。All the Super Thermal Power Stations are to be supplied only by Chinese.

跟光伏太阳能工程相比,太阳能热电站有好几个优点。Solar-thermal power stations have several advantages over solar-photovoltaic projects.

燃烧垃圾锅炉是垃圾热电站的关键设备。Rufuse incineration boiler is the key equipment of refuse incineration thermal power station.

该集团通过其子公司,开发运营了超过85座热电站和水电站。The group develops and operates over 85 thermal and hydropower plants through its subsidiaries.

本文介绍了燃烧垃圾热电站的组成和工作过程。This paper introduces the structure and work process of refuse incineration thermal power station.

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在热电站中,煤中的化学能并不全都能转化为电能。In a thermal power plant, all the chemical energy of the coal is not converted into electric power.

大型热电站安装和使用所带来的煤炭从丰城铁路,到南部。A large thermal-power plant was installed and uses coal brought by rail from Fengcheng, to the south.

对于如何计算造纸企业自备热电站的发电、供热煤耗,在目前国内还没有统一的计算方法。Howeve, an unanimously accepted method for estimating fuel consumption in such mills is still lacking.

CPC锅炉能够燃烧各种劣质煤,是一种适用于水泥厂余热电站的性能较好的锅炉。CPC boiling furnace can burn various low-quality coals, which is suitable to be used in cogeneration stations.

本文简述了某炼油厂热电站主蒸汽母管的结构改造和动力设备的调优运行。This Paper introduced structure reform for main steam pipe of heat and power plant at a Petrochemical factory.

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墙上有关于热电站历史的海报,工人的笔记,生态和恐怖主义灾害信息。On the walls there are posters with the station's history, workers notes, ecology and terrorism hazard information.

这些项目一般对环境影响较小,并网速度比太阳能热电站快。Such projects generally have fewer environmental impacts and can be brought online faster than solar thermal plants.

我们来参观热电站的热水、散热片的热能以及电能来自何处。Tour to the place from where hot water, heat in the radiators and electricity come from – heat electropower station.

在探查新的钻探地点之前,肯尼亚首先在大裂谷建设数家地热电站。Before exploring new drilling sites, Kenya is first expanding several geothermal plants it operates in the Rift Valley.

试验结果表明,螺纹管冷凝器对双流体循环地热电站具有较高的传热性能。Results show that the spiral fluted tube condensers have higher heat transfer performance for binary cycle geothermal power station.

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根据判断,这次事件可能是酸雨和沙尘瀑引起的。环抱人员怀疑附近的嘉岭热电站是这次事情的罪魁祸首。Ruling out the possibility of acid rain or a sandstorm, the bureau suspected that the nearby Jialing Thermal Power Plant was the culprit.

分析得到金山核热电站在发生上述事故时能够满足安全准则的初步结论。We come to the preliminary conclusion that Jinshan Nuclear Combined Heat and Power Plant can satisfy safety standard when above accidentsloccur.

本文详细介绍了电动执行机构的工作框图和工作原理,对其在热电站的应用加以说明。This article is detailed introduce the work frame diagram and principle of the electrical execute machine, as to it is application in the thermoelectrical station.