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我还有事没做完。I have things to do.

本人已死,有事烧纸。I was dead, something burning paper.

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因为那时总会有事可做。Always have something with you to do.

丹特找莫尼卡说有事商谈。Dan, find monica said something talks.

不做什么。我没有任何计划。有事吗?Nothing. I’ve got nothing planned. Why?

现在你要为所有事负责。Now you are responsible for everything.

有事我会觉得可能他们是对的?And at times I feel maybe they are right?

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您有事唤服务员,请按电铃。If you want an attendant, Please push the bell.

这里污秽不堪,除非有事,外人是裹足不前的。The filth here deters all but the invited guest.

她心里预感到有事要发生。Her mind mistrusted there was something happening.

飞机上我有事想找位华籍空服员谈。I would like to speak with a Chinese flight attendant.

莫非老将军在许昌有事否?Assuredly the old General is in trouble at the capital.

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外轮代理公司有事找你轮,请船长接电话。Penavico has message for your ship, call captain please.

总有希望,总有事可成。There's always hope, there's always something out there.

直觉告诉我,安杰有事瞒着我。My intuition told me that he had covered something to me.

秦和宁来了,但是陈因为有事所以来不了。Qin and Ning come, but Chen because busy, so he can't come.

孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。The children are always bickering about something or other.

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有事跟她谈一谈,对你也许是个很好的解愁的方式。Talking things over with her would be a good outlet for you.

晴气找之江有事,让帅飘一个人先走。Fine gas find zhijiang occupy, handsome to float to walk first.

这基本上是为了不让一些孩子误入歧途,让他们有事可做,It's basically get kids off the street and give them something to,