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在中国,甘薯扮演了类似的角色。The sweet potato played a similar role in China.

甘薯作为新型能源作物的作用已凸显出来。As a new type energy crop, sweetpotato is more and more important.

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紫色甘薯含有丰富的营养物质,对人体具有较高的营养价值。Purple sweet-potato is considered to be a nutritionally rich crop.

甘薯软腐病是甘薯储藏期间常发生的主要病害之一。The, soft rot of sweetpotato is one of the main diseases in store.

农场主们种植玉米、水稻、木薯、甘薯、小米和其他的粮食作物。Farmers grow maize, rice, manioc, yams, millet and other food crops.

作为茶点之用的,有炸薯片或甘薯。For serving tea, there are fried slices of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

本文报道甘薯烦夜蛾的生物学和防治方法。The biology of Anophia leucomelas and its control measure were studied.

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甘薯菜,小豆蔻,肉豆蔻,藏红花,和玫瑰花瓣精华使用。In sweet dishes, cardamom, nutmeg, saffron, and rose petal essence are used.

甘薯脱毒后干物质含量、抗病性则无明显变化。The changes of dry matter content and disease resistance were not significant.

但目前针对燃料乙醇专用型甘薯的研究较少。The industry of fuel ethanol production in sweet potato has still some critical.

对甘薯胚性细胞悬浮培养系的建立进行了研究。Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension cultures in sweet potato was studied.

在感恩节,我们尝试少量的甘薯好像它们只允许一年吃一次似的。At Thanksgiving, we dash for sweet potatoes as if they're available just once a year.

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无性繁殖作物,如马铃薯、甘薯、甘蔗以及多年生果树等。Asexually propagated crops, such as potato, sweet potato, sugar cane, fruit trees, etc.

我们制作它时就是甘薯放锅里煮熟,然后把它放在一种捣具里。And what we do is we boil yam in a pot and then we put it into like what we call a pounder.

甘薯果胶粉呈不规则片状,而其凝胶则具有多孔网状结构。Microstructure of pectin powder and pectin gel was observed by scanning electron microscope.

甘蔗和水稻,甘薯,豆类或黄麻等作物轮作,可以大大减轻受害。Sugar cane and rice, sweet potatoes, beans or jute, crop rotation, can greatly reduce suffer.

如果孩子喜欢南瓜馅饼,例如,可尝试把甘薯捣成糊状,或制胡萝卜泥。If a child likes pumpkin pie, for instance, try mashed sweet potatoes and then mashed carrots.

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用叉子在甘薯上刺洞,用铝箔包裹,放置在烤单边缘。Prick potatoes all over with fork, wrap each in aluminum foil, and place on rimmed baking sheet.

报道了甘薯—红橘复合果脯的制作工艺。The processing technology of mixed preserved fruit of sweetpotato and red tangerine is reported.

对葛根淀粉的性质及其凝胶特性与玉米、甘薯淀粉进行了比较研究。The physical properties of Pueraria lobate starch, cornstarch and sweet potato starch were studied.