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那只熊笨拙地行走着。The bear lumped along.

1960年是一个闰年,我还只是一个有点儿笨拙和莽撞的少女,还在为彼得潘的故事所吸引。It was a leap year. 1960.

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但是这样有点笨拙。But that's a little unwieldy.

他的拥抱短暂而笨拙。His hug was short and awkward.

她现在看起来茫然而笨拙。She looks vacant and ungainly.

你穿这件衣裙看起来很笨拙。The dress looks clumsy on you.

他笨拙地挪动身体,坐起来。He moves awkwardly, sitting up.

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这把重斧头不好用。③笨拙的,不灵巧的。The heavy ax was awkward to use.

笨拙愚鲁,自堵去路?。Who clumsily blocks his own way?

而我只能笨拙地拨着我的吉他。As I clumsily strummed my guitar.

与他相比,我只能算是唯一笨拙的人。Compared dawn he, I am a bungler.

那笨拙的侍者把汤泼了。The clumsy waiter spilt the soup.

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你这个笨蛋,怎么这么笨拙?Why are you so clumsy, you klutz?

一条笨拙的狗将杯子弄翻了。A clumsy dog knocked the cup over.

与她相比,我只能算是一个笨拙的人。Compared with her, I am a bungler.

他笨拙地干活。He boggled along through the work.

他迈著笨拙的大步子行走。He walked in long ungainly strides.

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一只笨拙的画眉鸟穿越浓雾。A fat thrush flies through thick fog.

再长一点点都会过于笨拙。Anything longer would be too unwieldy.

乡村式的笨拙的品质。The quality of being rustic or gauche.