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放心吧,我不会亏待你的。I've never treated you unfairly.

三一学院从未亏待过我。Trinity had never been unkind to me.

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你不该亏待他。You shouldn't have treated him shabbily.

亏待什么,也别亏待了自己。Maltreat what, don't also maltreat oneself.

人不会亏待自己的朋友。不要去想办法解决。A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle.

英国市民似乎仍然在受到亏待。The UK citizens still appear to be being short-changed.

她总是向我抱怨她在工作中如何被亏待。She always grumbles to me about how badly treated at work.

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即使别人亏待了你,你的人生不会亏待你。Even if someone mistreats you, your life will not be hard on you.

我真不明白,这位达西先生既然这样有自尊心,怎么又这样亏待你!I wonder that the very pride of this Mr. Darcy has not made him just to you!

“现在,当然罗,”他说道,“我们不想在薪水上亏待你。"Now, of course, " he said, "we want to be fair with you in the matter of salary.

当时罗马人常下决心要请曾被他们亏待的人原谅他们。Romans often made resolutions to ask for forgiveness from a person they had wronged.

我想这为只雇和亏待菲律宾人的事件。I think that's why there are only isolated cases of dismissals or ill treatment towards Filipinos.

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人活在这个世界上,就不要亏待了自己,所以我常用随遇而安来提醒自己。People living in this world, don't maltreat yourself, so I make the commonly used to jog his memory.

许多人为了身上的华服不惜亏待肚皮,而且让家人过着三餐不继的日子。Many a one, for the sake of finery on the back, has gone with a hungry belly, and half-starved their families.

赵尚阳认为,只要有付出,就会有收获。无论是经济上,还是精神上,上天不会亏待每一个有付出的人。He think where there is pay, there is gain. No matter in economy and spirit, god will bless every one who has paid out.

有人士分析,“亚足联从经济利益方面考虑,也绝对不可能亏待日本队”。It is analyzed that Asian Football Association definitely will not disfavor Japan out of regard for economical benefit.

今年你的工资没有得到明显的提高,但你仍然得到了一辆公司的汽车和一个费用帐户,因此你没有受到亏待。So you didn't get a big rise this year. but you've still got a company car and an expense account so you're not heard done by.

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如果你从未咨询过整容医生,也没有参加过“亮相”,那你也许亏待了自己。Those of us who have never consulted a plastic surgeon, much less attended a coming out party, are probably doing ourselves a disservice.

你要打听我的主人泰坎安拉丁?哦,他是个坏人,他对待我可不太坏,因为过分亏待一匹战马,后果就太严重了。You want to know about my master the Tarkaan Anradin. Well, he's bad. Not too bad to me, for a war horse costs too much to be treated very badly.

遇到黑人自以为受到亏待,变得愤懑不平,使他们清醒过来的最好办法莫如公民们自己来执行法律。When Negroes become resentful over imagined wrongs, nothing brings them to their senses so quickly as when citizens take the law into their hands.