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而是美丽和风韵的肥料。But beautiful and Charm of the fertilizer.

翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.

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时装不仅是形和款,更是民族风韵和文化精神的体现。It is not just about fabric or style. It also embodies a nation's culture.

风韵独特的“单袖筒”是赣南采茶舞中的一大表演技巧。Charm unique "single-sleeves" Gannan tea-picking dance in a big performance.

拉丁语词汇的使用给这篇小说增添了严肃文雅的风韵。The use of latinate words adds a tone of severity and dignity to this novel.

善良正直懂得生活有文化修养高雅风韵的我。Nicely honestly understands the life literacy training lofty graceful bearing I.

分开郊区往彼得城方向旅游,一尝陈腐皇宫丽都堂皇的风韵。Travel outside the city to Petrodvorets Palace for a taste of old imperial grandeur.

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在艺术上,李贯通的小说富有中国古典美的风韵。In art, LI Guantong's novel has the Chinese classical esthetics the graceful bearing.

欢迎光临风韵之境,给您的假日增添无穷乐趣。Welcome to this scenic place, where you'll find an endless enjoyment for your holiday.

嘉芙莲的风韵和才情深深地吸引了艾马殊,并对她产生了无法抗拒的爱慕之情。Catherine's charm and talent is deeply attracted Ayma, and she had a irresistible love.

她的鼻子,如今使乌玛美丽的面庞更添风韵,当时却是她的不幸之一。Her nose, which today only adds a unique touch to her beautiful face, was part of her misery.

它的画风富丽、典雅、清新别致、如诗如歌,具有浓郁的东方风韵。Its style is elegant, fresh and unique, full of poem cantabile , and with a rich Oriental charm.

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与此同时,上海以她独特的风韵吸引着数以百万计的海内外游客。Meanwhile, Shanghai has attract millions of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm.

与此同时,上海以她独特的风韵吸引着数以百万计的海内外游客。Meanwhile, Shanghai has attracted million of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm.

与此同时,上海以它独特的风韵吸引着数以百万计的海内外游客。Meanwhile, Shanghai has attracted millions of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm.

虽然没有“接天莲叶无穷碧”的壮大磅礴,却有着属于它自己的独特风韵。Although there is no " bi-infinite access packages" growth momentum, but have their own unique charm.

它注入了当代连排别墅的风韵,也突显了其历史的背景。Contemporary infill terrace housing, engendering clear references and associations to its historic context.

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胴体环动“是舞蹈的动律特征,正体现出”唱“与”摇“的风韵。It is featured by the circling movements of the body, which represents the charm of both singing and dancing.

她除了经营各种藏族特色的商品外,每年到樟木口岸两次,从那里买回具有东南亚风韵的异国商品。Meanwhile, she goes to Zhangmu Port twice a year to purchase exotic commodities from Southeast Asian countries.

油画的色感和浓郁与国画的流畅和风韵,彼此可以补充吗?Can the color and richness of oils and the flow and harmony of Chinese ink work together in a complementary way?