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垂柳在风中摇摆。Weeping willows swing in the wind.

垂柳,柳兰,青草。And willows, willow-herb, and grass.

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垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。The willow's shadow falls on the lake.

那只是灰色的老垂柳。It's just the old weeping willows so grey.

垂柳、大河的气息、还有一大帮Willows, the smell of the river, and a mass

这棵垂柳比这棵杨树高。The weeping willow is taller than the poplar.

日光普照,垂柳中的猫鸟Here in the daylight, the catbird in the willows

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晨风吹拂着垂柳。The morning breeze is swaying the weeping willows.

她在这石像旁边种了一株像玫瑰花那样红的垂柳。She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow.

烟销垂柳弱,雾卷落花轻。Weak cigarette sales willows, fog light falling volumes.

垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly.

垂柳上的知了不停地欢叫着,仿佛在诉说小溪的美丽。Weeping cicada kept crying happily, as if to tell the beautiful brook.

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在湖滨路,我沿着西湖穿行在摇曳的垂柳下。On Hubin Road, I walked alongside West Lake beneath swaying willow trees.

是您,在我心灵的小溪旁,栽下了第一行垂柳。可知道?It is you who plants the first line of pillows by the side of my soul brook?

沿着湖边漫步,但见阳光下垂柳依依,湖水碧绿如蓝,亭台楼阁的影子倒映于湖水之中。Walking along the lake, I saw willows bowing in shiness. The water is so blue.

蒙蒙细雨后,垂柳伸出了嫩绿的叶,贪婪的允吸着春天的乳汁。Drizzle, stretch out the green leaves the yews, greedy, suck the milk of spring.

我站在飘逸的垂柳边,仿佛在梦中一般眯着眼。Standing by the swaying willow, I look through half-closed eyes as if in a dream.

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这里沿湖垂柳拂岸,湖岸绿树成荫,也正合杜埔的诗意。Here looking weeping willow fu shore, the tree-Lakeshore , is also a Du Po's poetic.

荷花垂柳园占地30公顷,包括五湖、七岛、十桥。Covering an area of 30 hectare, the park has five lakes, seven islands and ten bridges.

况且那长枝的垂柳还要在水里照个影儿呢!Moreover, the weeping willows with long branches will look at themselves in the water. Look!