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淘汰雷霆吗?抱歉,继续做梦吧。Against OKC? Sorry, but dream on.

啊竖琴与祭坛,为雷霆融合O harp and altar, of the fury fused

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雷霆的一击总不应搞错目标吧。A thunderbolt should commit no error.

小牛队能不能克服雷霆大震呢?。Can the Mavericks handle the rumble of the thunder?

雷霆一击冷却从4秒增加到6秒。Thunderclap cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.

红旗演习于2006年由雷霆演习正式变迁而来。Red Flag officially transitioned from CopeThunder Exercises in 2006.

我已谈到地平线上正在酝酿至少一场“雷霆风险”。I have mentioned at least one “perfect storm” brewing on the horizon.

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我们只有雷霆,只有闪电,只有风暴,我们没有拖泥带水的雨!We only have thunder, lightning and storm. We don't have sloppy rain.

那是你的一把巨剑,火焰般放光,雷霆般沉重。It is thy mighty sword, flashing as a flame, heavy as a bolt of thunder.

发挥上限的烈火雷霆学了后威力赶超菜刀。Fire Thunder to play a maximum power of catching up after school kitchen.

切斯尼和糖城封顶大量观众前国家雷霆2007。Chesney and Sugarland capped Country Thunder 2007 before a large audience.

下面是雷霆、开拓者和马刺在周一和周三的比赛日程。Here are the respective remaining schedules of OKC, POR and S. A. , which.

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它还被誉为“雷霆大腿”,但是不要给这个搞笑的名字愚弄了你。It's known as “Thunder Thighs,” but don't let the funny nickname fool you.

科比期望在今晚对阵雷霆的比赛中亮相斯坦普斯。Bryant is expected to play tonight against Oklahoma City at Staples Center.

雷霆在中场休息前将比分追赶到50-58,并曾打下一个9-2的小高潮。Trailing 58-50 at halftime, Oklahoma City came out of the break with a 9-2 run.

棋力大约在中间水平,只比棋隐、雷霆等软件差些。Lindsborg about in the middle level, a game than implicit, Thunder software badly.

责难的哀吟,淹没在人群雷霆怒吼之中。The piteous moan of reproach was drowned in the angry and menacing roar of the mob.

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在第一轮战胜雷霆和第二轮横扫爵士时,这都发挥了作用。It worked in the first-round win over Oklahoma City and the second-round sweep of Utah.

不对啊,那雷霆王怎么能忍受得了养仇人的儿子!Not to, that thunderbolt king how to can bear with to keep the son of private antagonist!

一天,铁血魔王暴了雷霆怒斩,我跳上去了,心里那个激动。One day, the thunder storms Hemosiderosis angry devil off, I jumped out, was that exciting.