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接着说佛牙舍利。Cue the Buddha tooth.

在缅甸佛牙舍利无疑很受欢迎。The tooth clearly is popular in Myanmar.

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能,在斯里兰卡的一间寺院,还保存着佛陀的佛牙舍利。The Tooth Relic is still to be seen at the Temple of the Tooth in Ceylon.

现场将进行精彩的茶艺展示和佛牙参拜活动。Tea will be exciting live show and the Buddha Tooth Relic shrine activities.

佛牙装在一个金盒子中,搁在庙的顶层一个暗室里。The buddha's tooth installs in a golden box, puts in a temple top layer darkroom.

佛牙是斯里兰卡的国宝,谁获得它,就能统治斯里兰卡!The buddha's tooth is Sri Lanka's national treasure, who obtains it, can rule Sri Lanka!

有一点很清楚,斯里兰卡人对佛牙坚信不移。Some point is very clear, the Sri Lankan to the buddha's tooth believed that does not move.

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每次我向佛牙舍利祈求,我都希望能够生一个男孩。Every time I worshipped the Sacred Tooth I prayed that I would be blessed with a son, " she said."

佛牙庙之所以有名,就是因为里面藏着释迦牟尼的一颗牙齿。The reason that the buddha's tooth temple is famous, is because inside is hiding a Buddha's tooth.

所有这一切意味着,如果克林顿想拿出比佛牙舍利更好的礼物,她可能必须进行一些有创意的策划。All that means Ms. Clinton may have to do some creative planning if she plans to top the Buddha tooth.

大致上,它要走完整个路程,回到作为起点的佛牙寺。Basically it lasts until it's gone full circle and has been returned back to the temple where it started.

在节日期间,数以百计的大象被盛装打扮,向佛祖的佛牙舍利表示敬意,它们会连续十个晚上在城内巡行。Hundreds of elephants are dressed up in honour of Buddha's tooth relic and paraded around the city for ten nights.

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那么,被藏在佛牙庙长达400年的那颗到底是真是假,谁也说不清。Then, is hidden is in the buddha's tooth temple 400 year that is the vacation really, who also doesn't talk clearly.

为了让所有人都能看到佛牙,装有佛牙的匣子由佛牙寺的最后一头大象驮着,走遍整个城市。The casket is carried on the very last elephant of the Dalada Temple. It's paraded around for the entire city to see.

16世纪,葡萄牙人声称自己夺去了佛牙,并在盛怒之下将其焚烧。In the 16th century, the Portuguese declared he has taken away the buddha's tooth, and in a blaze of passion its burning down.

报道说,预计佛牙舍利将在增进两国人民的理解互信方面发挥积极作用。It was expected to play an important part in 'enhancing the understanding and mutual trust between the two peoples, ' it said.

每年公历七八月间,斯里兰卡人在这里举行隆重的佛牙游行活动,称为“佛牙节”。Every year the solar calendar during 78 months, the Sri Lankan holds the grand buddha's tooth parade activity in here, is called "Buddha to pitch".

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中国的这颗舍利据说是佛祖的一颗牙齿。这颗佛牙舍利本月早些时候抵达缅甸,进行上世纪50年代以来在该国的第四次供奉巡礼,无论在哪里供奉,都会吸引众多朝拜者。The Chinese relic, reputed to be a tooth of the Buddha, arrived in Myanmar earlier this month for its fourth tour of the country since the 1950s, and it's drawing big crowds wherever it goes.