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坚持多元论的人。One who adheres to pluralism.

我是主张人类文化产生多元论的。I am in favor of pluralism of human culture.

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这也存在着多元论的危险。There’s a danger to pluralism of that sort, too.

知识的多元论就是奠基于这个基础上的。Pluralism of knowledge is based on this foundation.

这显然就是文化多元论的立场。This is clearly the position of cultural pluralism.

齐曼对科学的这种解读方法也被称作元科学多元论。This method to read science is also called metascientific pluralism.

哈耶克为现代社会提供了否定性的价值观,可以与多元论和谐共存。But Hayek held negative values that can coexist with pluralism harmoniously in modern society.

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因此,本文沿用的是文体一元论,而非文体二元论或“多元论”的观点。Therefore, this thesis follows the line of stylistic monism rather than stylistic dualism or 'pluralism'.

价值“一元论”和“多元论”之争由来已久,核心是对价值规定性的理解不同。The key to the value controversy of monism and pluralism is the different understanding of the value origin.

迄今为止,已形成多元论和现代演绎论两种主要的解释策略。Up to the present, there are two kinds of main interpretive strategies, the pluralism and modern deductivism.

其次对严格责任的含义,在对一元论观点进行反驳的基础上,从多元论视角进行了分析界定。Next has carried on the analysis to the strict responsibility meaning from monism and the pluralism two angles.

它从以往提倡的绝对论转向相对论、从一元论转向多元论、从独断论转向自由论。This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism, from monism to pluralism, from dogmatism to liberalism.

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罗尔斯的理性观念是个实践范畴,针对的是民主社会中的多元论事实。Rawlsian reasonableness is a conception pointing to practice, namely the fact of pluralism in a democratic society.

价值多元论与社会整合之间的张力是自由主义面临的困境之一。The tension of value pluralism and social integration is one of the predicaments which is confronted by liberalism.

一个是他们是激进多元论者,对多党政治的潜力持有成熟的,非常欧氏的观点。One is that they are radical pluralists with a grown -up, rather European sense of the possibilities of multiparty politics.

这种以多元论为哲学基础的观念要求“内在的崩溃”,对大学理念的传统分析作出了里程碑式的贡献。This concept based on pluralism hints an "inner collapse". It turns over the traditional analysis of the idea of a university.

其中,理性多元论事实是宽容的主观环境,而合乎理性则是宽容的基础。The fact of reasonable pluralism is the subjective circumstance of toleration, while reasonableness is the basis of toleration.

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本文对希克的宗教多元论和潘尼卡的宗教多元论的具体比较是在不同层面通过不同主题进行的。The specific comparison between Hick and Panikkar's religious pluralism is carried out on different layers through various themes.

唯心主义通常都与唯物主义想对立,与二元论或多元论相反,两者皆属于一元论。Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies.

主张宗教多元论的神学家,认为「实践真理」能使宗教间彼此和睦共存。Many theologians advocate religious pluralism as they think orthopraxis can bring about harmonious relationships among different religions.