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我说他为人正派且风度翩翩。His decency and his grace?

他身穿黑色礼服,看上去帅气十足,风度翩翩。He looked so handsome in his tux.

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舞台上出现了一位风度翩翩的年轻人。A young man with graces appeared on the stage.

他还是个风度翩翩的美男子呀。He is a man with an elegant and smart carriage.

载我的出租车司机是个年轻而又风度翩翩的黑白混血儿。The taxi driver, a dashing young mulatto, asked

据她说,他是一个风度翩翩,很有教养的人。She said he was a very good-looking man and a gentleman.

布莱尔风度翩翩,自诩为受欢迎的人。Blair was a self-styled regular guy with buckets of charm.

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他风度翩翩地来了,吸引了每一个人的注意力。Like an Apollo, he comes and arrests everyone's attention.

在爱尔摩,像基米这样风度翩翩的年轻人还是不多见的。Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were scarce in Elmore.

在爱尔摩,像基米这样风度翩翩的年轻人还是未几见的。Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were scarce in Elmore.

他是一位风度翩翩的艺人而我希望人们能这样看他。He's a personable entertainer and I hope people see that in him.

他年龄合适,身材高大,风度翩翩而不失庄重。He's the right age, he's tall, he has the presence and gravitas.

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他风度翩翩,一定是来自贵族家庭。He must be from a noble family, judging from his elegant bearings.

他的妻子遇到了痴情的风度翩翩的书商并开始了浪漫的爱情。His wife meets a loving and gentle bookseller and starts a romance.

他的每一个姿势,在脸上那一抹微笑的映衬下,总是如此风度翩翩。With a small smile on his face, every gestures he made was gentlemanly.

你一定是风度翩翩,并能够在日常沟通的基础上很容易。You must be personable and able to communicate readily on a daily basis.

次日清晨,我见到的是一位彬彬有礼,风度翩翩的男人,衣着也十分讲究。Early the next morning I met a polite and elegant man wearing fine clothes.

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配上袖扣却不戴领带,哈哈那将绝对是潇洒不羁却风度翩翩。Wear cuff links without a tie. It will give you a rakish yet elegant flair.

艾格尼丝夫人发现他跳舞了,她称赞他跳得优美灵活,风度翩翩。Lady Agnes saw him dance and complimented him upon his elegance and activity.

剧中最可鄙的人物是风度翩翩的花花公子奥斯里克。The most contemptible of the personages in the play is the courtly fop Osric.