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所有墙壁都是白的。All the walls are white.

他们把墙壁挖穿了。They dug through the wall.

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德国国会大厦的墙壁板。The slab of Reichstag wall.

墙壁发出他喊叫的回声。The walls echoed his cries.

“刷墙壁和地板,”他说。“Walls and floors,” he said.

那盏油灯把墙壁熏黑了。The lamp has smoked the wall.

葡萄繦沿墙壁向上生长。The grapevine climbed the wall.

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墙壁上爬满了蚂蚁。The wall is crawling with ants.

喔!我能打穿墙壁吗?Wow! Can I punch through walls?

用白纸裱糊墙壁。Paper the walls with while paper.

球从墙壁上弹回。The ball rebounded from the wall.

球从墙壁上弓单回。The ball rebounded from the wall.

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这张画使那道墙壁生色不少。This picture livens up that wall.

我们喜欢把墙壁涂白。We like to colour the wall white.

Pleached树木形成的绿色墙壁。Pleached trees formed green walls.

球弹击墙壁。The ball bounded against the wall.

墙壁上爬满了常春藤。The ivy rambled all over the wall.

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他在墙壁上刻上他的名字。He gouged out his name on the wall.

他沉思地瞠视着墙壁。He stared at the wall meditatively.

我能像墙壁易色一样改变自己。I can change like colors on a wall.