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部分观光船程可享折扣优惠。Discount on some boat trips.

我们可以给你方打个折扣。We can allow you a discount.

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可是这么大的折扣从何而来?But what about the discounts?

必须有一个折扣系统。Must have a discounter system.

你们有提供任何淡季的折扣吗?Do you offer any off-season discounts?

即使是很小的讨价还价也能聚成大折扣。Even small bargains add up to big ones.

第B分编——普及服务折扣Subtitle B--Universal Service Discounts

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充分利用提前购买折扣。Take advantage of early-bird discounts.

他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。You must discount much of what he says.

给这样一个折扣,我们就无利可图了。Such a discount won’t leave us anything.

这应该触发折扣生效。This should have triggered the discount.

大批订购贵方会提供折扣吗?Do you give a discount for a largo order?

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你能不能给我更多的折扣?NO11,6. Can you give me a bigger discount?

这个价钱可以再给点折扣吗?I can only give you a ten-percent discount.

团体定房有没有折扣?Is there a discount for a group reservation?

美国铁路乘车证有折扣吗?Is there any discount for the USA Rail pass?

然而在另一方面是没有折扣的。Yet there was no discounting the other side.

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如果我的订单大我能享受折扣吗?Can I have discount if my order is large one?

我们只是去可以打最大折扣的商店。We just go to the one with the best bargains.

折扣可从单价中扣除。A discount can be deducted from the unit price.