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他的必杀绝技是飞刀。He is deadly with a blade.

小李飞刀,招无虚发!Li's flying knife never lose the aim!

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这种飞刀衣挂由TC工作室设计。The Knife Hooks are designed by TC Studio.

就是小李飞刀他娘,可惜她已经过世了。The mom of Dagger Siu Lee, but she passed away.

小李飞刀一瞬间,匡翔变成小太监。Xiao li fly knife moment, KuangXiang into little eunuch.

我弟弟用他其中一把飞刀清洁他的手指甲。My brother cleans his fingernails with one of his throwing daggers.

在他们使用豹守的时候对他们丢飞刀,但是很可能就是GG了。Throw the dagger if they are using cheetah form, but it is probably GG.

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要说明下。这里我提了飞刀这技能相当重要。To the explanatory notes. Flying here, I raised this very important skill.

平民弩兵装备军弩和飞刀,部分幸运士兵尚可配备轻型链甲。Peasant crossbowmen are armed with a crossbow, knife and if lucky enough, some armour.

她撞开房门,扔出一把飞刀,一名强盗应声倒地。One of the bandits died then, died from the knife she hurled as she threw open the door.

正如投掷飞刀、骑独轮车、并且挥舞鞭子一样,在大多数情况下,人靠实践可以变得更好。As with knife-throwing, unicycle-riding, and whip-handling, one gets better mainly by practice.

在马戏团里,一手像海豹突击队员一样的飞刀绝技总会赢得观众的敬意。Blade-slinging is the only art that'll earn you the respect of circus folk and Navy SEALs alike.

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艾紫培用飞刀杀死了其中的一个,另一个攻击凡瑟时被艾紫培斩首了。Elspeth killed one with a throwing knife and the other she decapitated while it attacked Venser.

独特的眼光看世界,独特的视角品生活。如想知道社会万象,人生冷暖,请听“小李飞刀”孙乔慢慢道来。Look at this world in another way. Sun Qiao talks about various aspects of this society with you.

平台某种恶心小怪,就是群体丢飞刀的炎刃法术卫士现在的飞刀投掷技能被取消,魔法保护罩的范围缩小。The Stun component to the Sunblade Mage Guard Glaive Throw has been removed and the Bounce range reduced.

她会不会突然喜欢上海盗靴、带图腾顶饰的帽子、带长刃的匕首和扔飞刀?Would she suddenly take to buccaneer boots, some totem-crested helm, long-bladed dirks and throwing knives?

我一伸手,接住了小李飞刀的飞刀。这把小刀很好看哦。Once I stretch hand and connected the knife of fly of little Li3 Fei Dao. This pair of penknife good-looking.

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能学习窥视夜枭,刺网,投掷镖枪,银月飞刀,和空袭。是一个优秀的强袭者。She can learn peeping nightowl, web of spike , throwing javelin, moon glaive, and air strike. make an excellent striker.

素四不敌桑烈,避走至石林,身体不支,始知后腰中了桑烈的蛇毒飞刀。Four by SangLie, avoid go to stone forest, the body tired, in the beginning to know the anchor SangLieDe snake venom fly knife.

飞刀寻牌是一个足以让人觉有生命危险的互动搞笑魔术!!!经典中的经典绝对会获得满堂喝彩,你的观众也肯定的会目瞪口呆!Bobby Motta's Lethal is one item that has generated a tremendous amount of buzz and will leave your audience dumbfounded for sure!