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她共有五个孩子。She had five children.

共有342名儿童死亡。There were 342 deaths.

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他军队被数的,共有57,400名.His division numbers 57,400.

共有三种测试方法。There are three test methods.

这扇窗户共有八个合页。This window has eight hinges.

共有猪、狗和牛三在造型。Choose from Pig, Dog, and Cow.

到现在,共有五次重新启动。So far, five reboots in total.

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那角锥共有五层。The pyramid had five terraces.

柏林动物园共有342只猿猴。The zoo has a total of 342 apes.

笑是人类普遍共有的特征。Humans have this universal trait.

这本教科书共有25课。This textbook contains 25 lessons.

这幢楼共有八层。There are 8 floors in the building.

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第六十八课共有十幅图画。There are ten pictures in lesson 68.

2009年,入禀的司法覆核申请共有144宗。In 2009, 144 applications were filed.

我们组共有五个人,And so we had five of us together, and

这个花园式两家共有的。The garden is common to the two house.

现在共有八块牛仔布了。You'll now have eight pieces of denim.

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蓝天为世人所共有。The blue sky belongs equally to us all.

这段视频共有269个句子。There are 269 sentences in this segment.

全文共有六章。This dissertation contains six chapters.