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闲暇是霓裳,不宜常穿用。Leisure is a house, not often wear.

我要在那儿欣喜地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。I'll sew my bridal dress for next life with delight.

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贵妃学舞极快,学得不少赏心悦目的舞曲,如「霓裳羽衣曲」等。She soon learned to dance many delightful pieces, such as the "Rainbow Skirt and Feather Garment song".

我不在沉醉了往昔的霓裳羽衣,在你的心情里使自己柳暗花明!I don't enjoy the past performance featured, in your feelings so that their dense willow trees and bright flowers!

霓裳羽衣歌漫漫,沉醉了那个坐在宫前举碗畅饮的剽悍男子。Colorful Plumage song is long, but intoxicated with a bowl that sat in front of the Temple held a drink decisions based on men.

烟花绽放、荧光闪烁、喷泉遍地和霓裳羽衣,奢华直逼2008北京奥运会开幕式。The display of fireworks, laser beams, fountains and dancers rivalled the extravagance of Beijing’s Olympic ceremonies in 2008.

霓裳轻飘的光泽,斑斓的色彩配上优雅的款式,呈现出清凉飘逸的别样美感。Colorful light as the sunlight, coupled with gorgeous colors and elegant style, showing a different kind of cool, elegant beauty.

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阳光明媚,歌声飞扬,欢声笑语,天降吉祥,在这美好的日子里,在这大好时光的今天,天上人间共同舞起了美丽的霓裳。Sunny, songs, laughter, heaven auspicious, in this beautiful day, in this good time today, immeasurably vast difference dance beautiful costume.

贵妃霓裳,灵感来自唐玄宗和杨玉环的故事,这在中国家喻户晓。并且大家都不得知道杨贵妃是个胖美人。Royal Seduction, inspired by the story of Emperor and Yang Yuhuan, the well-known in China. And we are not aware of Concubine Yang is a fat beauty.

是你脱下迷人的霓裳,让花儿披盖,令多少赏花人若醉若迷,留连忘返。That is you getting off your attractive skirt, letting flowers cover the land, letting so many people admire it as if drunk or lost and forget leaving.

卓一航与练霓裳由误会开始,经历一番风波后,彼此吸引,两人进而相恋。Zhuo Yihang and Lian Nichang are begun by misunderstanding, after experiencing disturbance one time, each other are attracted, two people are in love then.

精巧的衣柜不只是霓裳艳装的收容所,也是温馨空间的靓丽装扮,在悄无声息中完成对亲情的不渝守护。The delicate wardrobe is not only the store of beautiful dresses, but the pretty decoration of the sweet space, which accomplishes the care of natural affection.

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或许,此生我未曾看破红尘,那些深深的依恋,在夜的舞台中央,飞舞水袖,轻舞霓裳,朝我遥遥招手。Maybe, I am still attach on to the human society, that deep attachment, in the center of stage, with shaking sleeves and dancing clothes, wave to me in far distance.

记住吧,记住吧,曾经有一个时代叫汉唐,曾经有一条河流叫长江,曾经有一对图腾叫龙凤,曾经有一件羽衣——名叫霓裳!Remember it, remember it, once a time that tang, there was a river called the Yangtze river, there was a pair of totem that dragon, there was a clothes-called neon! ! ! ! !

广州市霓裳晚装有限公司起源于1988年,现在已发展成为集设计、生产、销售为一体的以外贸为主导的专业制衣公司。The Guangzhou Nishang Evening Dress Co. , Ltd was founded in 1988, and has now developed into a professional foreign trade garment company dedicated in designing & production.

一树梨花压海棠,东风凉,神犹伤,青山常在绕霓裳,舞尽沧桑,低眉浅酌几行热泪,乱了韵脚。A pear tree press Begonia, east wind is cool, God still hurt, often in the castle peak around the costume, dance as head vicissitudes, shallowly several lines of tears, random rhyme.

写的梅与雪交相辉映时的情景,远看似一位仙风道骨的老人面对微笑,近来也似仙女穿着七彩霓裳欲要离去。Written by mei hand in photograph reflect with the snow, far looks like a sage like type of old man in the face of smile, more recently, like a fairy dressed in colorful dress to leave.

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携一片落尘,揣一段往事,独对亘古不变的冷月,一种刻骨的柔情萦于脑海中,无声的寂寞在指尖滴落,霓裳轻舞间,尘烟散尽。With a piece of dust fall, with a period of the past, only the eternal night, a deep-seated feelings. In my mind, the silent lonely at the fingertips drops, like dancing, dust smoke cleared.