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我的字迹?My handwriting?

他的字迹很难辨认His handwriting was awful.

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请仔细书写确保字迹清晰。Please write clearly and legibly.

黑板擦擦掉粉笔字迹。Rub out chalk marks with an eraser.

他的字迹太潦草很难辨认。His handwriting is too spidery to read.

我潦草的字迹越来越难辨认。It's getting harder to read my scribble.

他的字迹行家一看就能认出来His handwriting is recognized by experts.

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第四封是封口的,上面的字迹出自迈拉之手。The fourth was sealed, in Myra's writing.

那块板上的字迹已被擦掉了。The writing on the board has been rubbed off.

他临行前给我写了一封字迹潦草的短信。He wrote me a scribbled letter before leaving.

刻于鸵鸟蛋壳上的字迹或许改变了这点。The engraved ostrich eggshells may change that.

另外,我们还要求使用字迹无法消除的墨水。We have also asked for the use of indelible ink.

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我简直无法辨认他那些潦草的字迹。I simply cannot decipher his crabbed handwriting.

空中还有足够的浮光可以看出字迹。There was still sufficient light to admit of reading.

我看不清这封信!老板的字迹太吓人了!I can. t read it! The Boss. s handwriting is terrible!

很快就把我刚刚写上去的字迹都浸湿了。Soon tears had soaked all the fresh ink of my writing.

如果你是手写答案,请字迹工整。If you hand-write your responses, please write legibly.

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吉姆试着读点什么,可是即使戴上眼镜,字迹还是模糊不清。Jim tries to read but even in glasses the words are a blur.

我哭,泪水把字迹化掉,把爱念涂污。I would cry, tears staining the ink, a smudged idea of love.

不行拉,字迹会被看出,而且那种不怜香惜玉的能对女人动感情么?No, writing can be seen, and that is never to woman emotion?