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到家了,这正是我想落叶归根之处。It's home, so that's where I'll be.

落叶归根、想要忘记什么?People eventually go back home, what do the wish forget?

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人类的传宗接代如同落叶归根“Very like leaves upon this earth are the generations of men."

树高千尺,落叶归根。Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.

我的祖国,你可曾想过,有多少中国人从心里希望落叶归根?My motherland, you ever can have thought, how many Chinese wish come from?

落叶归根,千万别在无力抵挡秋风时才悔恨终身。Ultimately, never leaves and unable to resist autumn only regret lifelong.

由于受到这个角色影响太深,力宏说他就是化名邝裕民来写「落叶归根」。Deeply influenced by the character, Lee Hom said he wrote the song as Yumin.

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不害怕,不遗憾的话,就如这秋叶般吧。如落叶归根般回到那片孕育你的大地吧!If you are not, being the fallen leaves lay on the earth peacefully where you belong to.

看淡拥有,不刻意追求某些东西,落叶归根,那些属于你的,总会回来。There has, not deliberately pursue something, roots, those belong to you, always come back.

不去刻意追求某些东西,落叶归根,属于我的,它总会回来。Do not deliberately pursue certain things, falling leaves, belongs to me, it'll always be back.

月好慨叹翩翩回佛山本想落叶归根,却为她爱的男人丢了性命。Good month lament and wanted to return back to foshan, lost their lives but for her love of man.

看淡拥有,不刻意追求某些东西,落叶归根,属于你的,总会回来。See light have, no intention to pursue something, leaves, belong to you in, there is always come back.

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落叶归根的情怀一直萦绕在身处异国他乡的老人心中。As an inhabitant of a foreign country, the willingness to return to his ancestral home always lingers in the old man's mind.

Kian和我作为学者,本可以在西方国家过着闲适的生活,可我们都选择了“落叶归根”。Both Kian and I could have enjoyed comfortable lives as academics in the west, but instead we both decided to return to our roots.

梦田是人类梦寐以求,苦苦追寻的桃花源,每个人拼命挣钱为的是能找到晚年落叶归根的理想家园。Dreamland is the human hard to trace , everyone is desperate to earn money for the old age to find the ideal rooted to their homes.

一年又一年地活着,落叶归根,一层有一层,最后埋在自己一生的落叶里。Year in and year out on the hoof, the defoliation returns a root, 1 layer contain 1 layer, covering up finally in oneself the defoliation of the whole life.

上周五在台北MV首映会上,在数千名歌迷见证下,力宏弹奏了他的最新单曲「落叶归根」,他同时也是这支MV的导演。Last Friday, he performed his new single, Falling Leaf Returns To Root, to thousands of fans in Taipei and unveiled the song's music video, which he directed.