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避免在谈话中使用缩略语。Learn how to speak without using acronyms.

有时候,反向缩略语来自于旧式语言。Sometimes, backronyms come from outdated language.

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在第二课里出现了一些缩略语和首字母的缩略词。In the lesson, some abbreviations and acronyms are used.

这又促使我去寻找英语中最早出现的缩略语。This prompted me to look for the earliest example of an acronym.

不过其中有些缩略语的历史由来已久。But some abbreviations have been around for longer than expected.

天文学家们在20世纪50年代发现了类星体,类星体是“类似恒星的天体”之缩略语。Astronomers discovered quasars, short for quasi-stellar objects, in the 1950s.

因此,加强汉语缩略语研究,是汉语言教学的重要课题。So the study of Chinese abbreviation is an important task of Chinese teaching.

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他们一头扎进去所有的细节并开始使用缩略语和行话,他们不会退后一步。They just dive into all this detail and start using acronyms and buzzwords and they don’t step back.

中已给出全称的缩略语在正文中首次使用时也应给出全称。Abbreviations that are defined in the abstract will need to be defined again at first use in the main text.

以及某些其他资料还列出了一长串更加猥亵的军中缩略语,但很多我从没听过。and others suggest a long list of other military acronyms often more profane, but I hadn’t heard of many of them.

此部门商量了汉语字母词与英语缩略语在组成方法上的分歧。This department to discuss Chinese lettered words and English abbreviations in the composition method of the differences.

它还解释了美国政府各种旅行规定的缩略语,并说明这些规定如何与其他国家的规定相对应。It also defines the acronyms of U.S. government travel programs and explains how these fit in with those of other nations.

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在动词,形容词,复合词,缩略语,及新词的使用上,两者也具有一定的差异。Compound words and abbreviations are much more employed in online advertisement English than in press advertisement English.

字母缩略语可分为纯字母型和字母参与型两种类型。Grouped into the pure-letter type and the type with letter combinations, they have peculiar features of formation and rules.

它常常大量采用静态词汇、缩略语、大众化词汇、规范标准词汇、现在时态、祈使语气、丰富的语体。Static vocabulary, acronym, every day words, standard words, present tense, imperative, and rich writing styles are often used.

受西方后现代主义解构思潮的影响,当代汉语出现了大量解构式缩略语。With the impact of western deconstructivism, a large amount of deconstrtctive abbreviations have emerged in contemporary Chinese.

政府运用本应起到缓和作用的首字母缩写、缩略语和暗喻来掩饰争议问题的最佳例证。Prime example of how governments use otherwise anodyne acronyms, abbreviations and sports metaphors to disguise matters of controversy.

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用“我要”代替“我将要”,用“不该”代替“不应该”,这样的缩略语完全没问题,它们会使你的文章听起来轻松且友好。It’s fine to use contractions like “I’ll” for “I will” and “shouldn’t” for “should not” – these help to make your writing sound casual and friendly.

本文阐述了英汉缩略语含义,对比分析了它们常用的构成方式、修辞特点以及互译方法。This paper discusses the meaning of both English and Chinese abbreviation and contrastively analyzes their word formation, rhetoric and translation.

UP么意思?FIRST-UP的定义见免费在线词典词库提供的缩合字和缩略语列举。What does FIRST-UP stand for? Definition of FIRST-UP in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online Dictionary and Thesaurus.