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涓滴之水汇成海洋。Little drops of water make mighty ocean.

涓滴之水汇成洋。Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.

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一句经典的阿拉伯成语是“洪水始于涓滴”。A classical Arab idiom maintains that a flood begins with a mere droplet.

而在过去八年的时间里,涓滴效应在美国从来没有起过什么作用。Trickle-down hasn't been working well in America over the past eight years.

企业担心这会对他们的效益带来“涓滴效应”。Businesses are concerned cutbacks will have a trickle down effect on their profits.

人们想要与收入地位相等者进行攀比的心态似乎引发了“涓滴型消费”现象的出现。This "trickle-down consumption" appears to result from a desire to keep up with the Joneses.

财富,健康、幸福,所有这一切最终都会通过涓滴效应惠及大众。Wealth, and thus health, happiness, and all other good things, would eventually trickle down to all.

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这项研究的组织者对所谓的涓滴效应经济理论的主要观点表示异议。The organizers of the study disputed the main idea of what has been called "trickle down" economic theory.

为了有效的对涓滴经济学提出质疑,改革论者们应当提出属于自己的经济增长理论。To challenge trickle-down effectively, progressives should counter with their own story about economic growth.

燃烧不尽相同,这涓滴细流目前到独特的签名类似心跳来衡量一心电图机。Combustion varies this trickle current into unique signatures similar to a heartbeat measured by an EKG machine.

生产是一件汽车是一件很复杂的一个工程,每一个环节不能够有一涓滴的错误。First, manufacturing a car is a complex project, thus every link in the production chain shouldn't arise any error.

但这涓滴没有反对各大年夜车企对电动汽车“狂热”的追捧,乃至可以说是倾举国之力打造纯电动汽车。But it is not stop many manufacturers enthusiastic pursuit on the electric car. Even though they make them with all what they have.

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干涉主义经济学家们漫不经心地把经济增长在一个自由社会中的扩散称为“涓滴理论”。Interventionist economists carelessly criticize the spreading of economicgrowth throughout a free-market society as the "trickle-down theory."But

事实上,“中产阶级”概念才是反驳涓滴经济学的最佳论据。It may not seem intuitive that the concept of “the middle class” is the opposite of trickle-down and an effective counterargument against it. But it is.

受困于高失业率和暗淡经济前景的美国人,想要通过石油价格下跌来取得涓滴效应可能会要失望了。Already buffeted by high unemployment and a dim economic outlook, Americans looking for the oil selloff to completely trickle down are in for a disappointment.

追肥,增加土壤和沙,通过种草,地面覆盖植物涓滴不只是适当的排水必要的,但工厂和基层健康。Top dressing, adding soil and sand that trickle through grass and ground cover plants is not just necessary for proper drainage, but for plant and grass health.

由于知识产权约束限制了技术转移,发展中国家再也无法依靠涓滴效应解决它们的发展问题。And with intellectual property restrictions limiting technology transfer, developing countries can no longer rely on trickle-down effects to address their development problems.

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的确,巨大的财富在最初积累的时候,往往是有一个很小的数量开始的,这正如集腋成裘,涓滴可以成江河的道理一样。Huge fortune was indeed accumulated from a little amount at primary stage, it has the same reason that many a little makes a mickle and many tiny drops accumulate to form a river.

随着时间的流逝,巩固当权者,以及他们献身于激烈的内部竞争,开始有涓滴影响大八大顶级层次。As time passed, the entrenchment of those in power, as well as their fierce devotion to their internal competition, began to have trickle-down effects on the Big Eight's top tiers.

研究者们写到,有三分之一的经济活动受到天气预报的影响,所以对雨水更进一步的了解即使再小,也涓滴藏海、不容小觑。The scientists note that a third of the economy is influenced by weather forecasting, so even a small improvement in our understanding of rain would be more than a drop in the bucket.