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王母让王德彪给警察署打电话,王德彪这才知道沈怀玉被抓。She asked Wang Debiao to call the police, Wang Debiao knew that Shen Huaiyu was arrested.

改天到警察署来,我带你参观。I’m dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the police facility someday and I’ll show you around.

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星期一,警察署总部拒绝评论枪击死亡事件,并说正在进行的调查。On Monday, HPD officials declined to comment on the fatal shooting, citing the ongoing investigation.

然而,澳大利亚新南威尔士的警察署似乎需要一些帮助来引起注意。Still, Australia's New South Wales police department seems to think it needs some help getting noticed.

许多警察署都有个规定,要求预备警员无犯罪前科。Many police services have a policy that requires a completely clean criminal record for prospective employees.

我们要求釜山的警察署负责人对此次的非法逮捕和暴力行为进行正式道歉。We ask the head of Busan police office to formally apologize for the illegal police survellience and violence.

警察署坚持认为它是一种必要的方法,可以发现非法武器、毒品和防止更严重的犯罪。Police departments maintain it is a necessary tool that turns up illegal weapons and drugs and prevents more serious crime.

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于是什么都分派定了,屠维岳亲自打电话给就近的警察署,请他们加派一班警察来保护工厂。Having now disposed his forces, he rang up the local police station and asked them to send up extra policemen to guard the factory.

墨非先生说星期一中午,在一天中最忙碌的时刻从兰开普郡警察署来了两位穿制服的人。Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe’s busiest time of day.

他同事也提出为什么当时菲律宾国家警察署没有寻求,在处理这种情况更专业的SAF的帮助。He also asked why the PNP did not call other SAF members, who were considered by the PNP to be the experts in handling such situations.

一对夫妇花了差不多整天时间逛商场,回来后却发现他们的车被偷了,于是他们马上去警察署打报告。After shopping for most of the day, a couple returns to find their car has been stolen. They go to the police station to make a full report.

队长迈克尔吉卢利,有关的图森市警察署参谋长说,新法律将采取执法人员远离其他法律。Captain Michael Gillooly, chief of staff of the Tucson Police Department, says the new law will take officers away from enforcing other laws.

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1974年的整个圣诞节,她都被锁在伦敦警察署门外的面包车上,而这个时候她的一个朋友熄灭了特拉法加广场圣诞树上的彩灯。She sat chained in a van outside Scotland Yard all one Christmas, in 1974, while a friend blew the lights on the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.

菲律宾国家警察署长表示,已经加强中国大使馆及领事馆周边的戒备,以回应在马尼拉中国防务官员的要求。The Philippines national police directorate said it had tightened security around the Chinese embassy and consulates after a request from China's defence attache in Manila.

这样的机制是为了使白厅可以更好的打击地方贪污而设计,然而却导致了伦敦警察署受的管制太大,权力处处受限。This set-up, created to give more power to Whitehall to fight local corruption, has resulted in top-heavy governance that confines police forces in a straitjacket devised in London.

南本德警察署的公民警校要求学员先通过刑事背景调查,然后每周参加两个半小时的晚间课程,历时13周。The South Bend Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy requires participants to pass criminal background checks and to attend a two-and-half-hour evening class once a week for 13 weeks.

鲍尔斯承认,10年前南本德警察署首次开设公民警校课程时,很难说服警官担任教员或讲解员。Powers acknowledged that when the South Bend Police Department set up its first citizens police academy 10 years ago, it was difficult to persuade officers to become instructors or presenters.