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我哥哥时常赐顾帮衬我。My brother often takes care of me.

你应该好好赐顾帮衬你的眼睛。You should take good care of your eyes.

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母亲病了,我必须在家赐顾帮衬她。Mother is ill, I have to look after her at home.

本人们都知道本人们的教师赐顾帮衬他,由于他是他的儿子。We all know our teacher favors him because he is his son.

这些怜悯的孩子被剥夺了爱及得当的赐顾帮衬。These poor children were deprived of love and proper care.

她待在家里赐顾帮衬我和我哥哥。Bnd she stayed at home to take care of me and my older brother.

她把所有的空余时间都花在赐顾帮衬生病的母亲上。She devotes all her spare time to looking after her sick mother.

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玫瑰必要特殊的帮衬以便它们可以活过隆冬。Roses need speciing care so th support they can live through winter.

你必然要赐顾帮衬好本身,工作不要太负责。You must take good care of themselves, the work will not be too hard.

它来自小女孩蛤蟆赐顾帮衬如许地仁慈。It came from the toad which the girl had cared for with such kindness.

假期里你精壮什么?我将姑且赐顾帮衬我妹妹。What will you do in the vacation? I will look after my younger sister temporarily.

我们此刻要赐顾帮衬850名儿童和青年,这意味着每天得提供2500顿以上的饭。We now care for 850 children and young people. That means over 2,500 meals every day.

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例如,男性和女性一样,会因为找不到价钱合理的赐顾帮衬孩子的人而受到影响。For example, men and women alike are affected by lack of access to affordable childcare.

上帝常同圣母正在一齐,往往辱嬖、保护、赐顾帮衬圣母。This means that God is often with the Blessed Mother, loving, protecting and caring for her.

上帝常同圣母正在一齐,屡屡辱嬖、保护、赐顾帮衬圣母。This mea goods that God is always with the Blessed Mother, loving, protecting a goodd caring for her.

充实赐顾帮衬彼此关切,是对话与合作的主要前提。Full accommodation of each other's concerns constitutes an important basis for cooperation and dialogue.

也没有兄弟姐妹外戚等,家里在帮衬资助。There is also no brothers Qi etc. outdoor the sister, the family is assisting Chen pecuniary assistance.

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上帝常同圣母正在一齐,常常辱嬖、保护、赐顾帮衬圣母。This mea news that God is incessa newtly with the Blessed Mother loving protecting a newd caring for her.

旅馆能替身们在外出旅行时赐顾帮衬他们的宠物鱼,旅馆里另有一个“网球场”和“泅池塘”。The hotel allows you to drop off your fish when you go on holiday and has a 'tennis court' and 'swimming pool'.

如果夏宁聪明就在暗中帮衬着他早日了了心愿,以免夜长梦多。If summer rather cleverness by secretly wore him for Chen soon hope, so for not to night the long imagine is many.