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周围每一个人度知道他是个偷鸡摸狗的人。He is a men who is on the sly.

我们可得到的,唷,知道我要偷鸡摸狗做什么?。We all we got, yo, know I want y'all do?

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周围的每个人都知道他是偷鸡摸狗的人。Don't keep in touch with he, he is a man on the sly.

这个世界也用不着戏剧去表演偷鸡摸狗的勾当了。The world doesn’t need another drama about adultery.

咱们这儿的人都晓得他是个偷鸡摸狗的人。Everyone around here knows that he's a man on the sly.

为什么不偷鸡摸狗上车,我将会向你奔去,你上去。Why don't y'all get in the car and I'll run you up there.

别闹了所以偷鸡摸狗可以得到它,有一个方法可以去做好准备。Break it up soy'all can get it, there's a way to get ready.

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他进一步解释,不需要为了赢得胜利而说谎、作弊或做偷鸡摸狗的事情。He elaborated that you don't have to lie, cheat, or do underhanded things to win.

“不能把“没钱”作为不安以及偷鸡摸狗的借口。Nobody has the excuse of 'lack of money' for not being at peace and living in integrity.

我希望伤势每个人的驴跳舞因为偷鸡摸狗知道K-Monay做得最好!And I hope it gets everyone's ass on the dance floor cuz y'all know that's what K-Monay does best!

灰太狼是住在草原边上树林里的一个聪明但又倒霉的坏蛋,平时在家爱钻研捉羊的方法和练习偷鸡摸狗的技巧。He is a male wolf living in the forest on the edge of grassland. He is a smart but unlucky bad egg.

其他在中国的美国官员也对国民政府偷鸡摸狗的腐败行径发出警告。Other American officials in China also warned against the vast amounts of graft among Nationalists.

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绝大部份魔法世界对麻瓜所做的偷鸡摸狗事情,是将魔法隐藏,好保护麻瓜他们。Most of the clandestine activities of the wizarding world were to conceal their powers from the muggles for their own protection, rather than for the disguising any improper purposes.