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不仅仅因为它是个折中的方案Not only is it a good compromise.

这是折中主义者的观点。That's how the neutralists put it.

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那是折中主义者的说法。That's what the moderates would say.

我认为我是个折中主义者。I think I have a really eclectic style.

讨论以折中而结束。The discussion eventuated in a compromise.

我们采取折中办法吧,每人付一半的赔偿费。Let's compromise and each pay half the damages.

让我们采取折中的办法,每人各赔一半的损伤费用。Let’s compromise and each pay half the damages.

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好吧,一个折中的方案就是修改文字措辞。OK, a compromise would be to change the wording.

混金尾折中鹦鹉4个月大还没断奶。Mixed gold tail eclectic parrot 4 months not weaned.

它是折中的也是多方面的而且有一些很酷的演奏乐器。It's eclectic and versatile and has some cool vocals.

对我来说那似乎是非常合理的折中办法。That seems an eminently reasonable middle course to me.

在商业意识中肯定会有一个“折中选择”。There must be an inbetween here for a business sense of being.

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但作家苏珊·希尔说,有一条合理的折中路线。But there is, says the writer Susan Hill, a sensible middle way.

如果你和配偶住在一个房间的话,花点时间去找个折中方案。Take time to find compromises if you share the room with a mate.

然而,这样做,美好的生活就被磨灭了,从来就没有折中的办法。But in doing that, the spark dies. Never, ever make that compromise.

您需要在故障转移速度和过度敏感之间找到一种折中的平衡点。You need to find a compromise between failover speed and over-sensitivity.

有时候,我们的生活的确需要全面的改变,也不存在折中方案。Sometimes, our life does need sweeping change, and there’s no half-way house.

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假如发生意外问题,这是我所能想到的最佳折中方式。That's the best trade-off I can think of, given an unexpected problem occurred.

泰勒打算以折中方式解决银行问题,但克雷丝毫不予让步。Tyler was ready to compromise on the banking question, but Clay would not budge.

的确,那是另一种折中,与卡里的不同,那是真的。Yes, it's another kind of compromise, a different kind from Cary's. That's true.