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一股洪流冲下河川。A torrent of water swept down the river.

一部分冰河川冲进了海洋。Part of the glacier is breaking into the sea.

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我坐在岛端的一根圆木上,望着黑暗中的河川。I sat down on a log at the head of the island.

溪涧和河川挣开了冰结的镣铐。And streams and rivers freed from irons of ice.

渔夫在池塘、湖泊和河川里试他们的运气。Fishermen try their luck in ponds, lakes and rivers.

百分之四十的河川水道已变得不可饮用。Forty percent of the waterways have become undrinkable.

在花莲,你可以看到火车从河川底下穿过。In Hualien, you can see the train runs under the river.

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时间是流淌的河川,幸福属于顺流而下者。Time is flowing rivers, happiness belongs to the people.

我掘了井喝了外邦的水,用我的脚掌踏干了埃及所有的河川。I have dried up with the soles of my feet all the streams of Egypt.

河川短促,水力蕴藏丰富,适合发电但不利航行。Rivers are short, useful for power generation but not for navigation.

我们应把污染河川的可能性列入考虑。We must take into account the possibility of contaminating the river.

某些地方的河川跟湖泊可能干涸,冰河也可能溶化。Rivers and lakes might dry up in some places, and glaciers might melt.

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婆罗洲岛是一座摄人心魂的岛屿,岛上有庞大的森林和河川。The island of Borneo is a truly enchanted place of lush forests and rivers.

山丘区河川基流分割方法很多,采用不同方法的分割成果不尽相同。There are many methods to separate the river base flow in mountainous areas.

谁用翠玉缎带般的河川把地球编织得这样好看?Who laced and filleted the earth so fine with rivers like green ribbons smaragdine?

自由地最常发现在流动河川与溪流了与季节性地在洪泛区上。Found most often in freely flowing rivers and streams and seasonally on floodplains.

谁用翠玉缎带般的河川把地球编织得这样好看?。Who laced and filleted the earth with so fine rivers like green ribbons and smaragdite?

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此处没有高山,丘陵也很少见,但有许多湖泊、河川与溪流。There are no mountains and few hills, but there are numerous lakes, rivers, and streams.

反对党的政治人物指责政府河川的计划使得农地减少。Opposition politicians blame the government, saying a river project has reduced farmland.

高温高湿河川海岸边的森林树木是蝴蝶兰附着生长的地方。River shore in hot and humid forest trees is attached to the growth of Phalaenopsis place.