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宠物沃卢商店。Pet Valu store.

买商店的自产商品。Buy store brands.

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好的,这是一个商店。OK, this is a shop.

我认得那家商店。I recognize the shop.

我们这里没有商店。There is no shop here.

这家商店经售体育用品。This shop sells games.

在这样的商店。Abbie ! at such stores.

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这个商店的东西都是一种价。It's a one-price store.

这是一家迷人的商店。This is an amazing shop.

这间商店什么时候开门?When will the shop open?

见到何毛德时,他在商店。He saw Maud, in his shop.

租了商店楼上的一层楼!Rent a flat above a shop!

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这家商店赊给我的东西。The shop gives me credit.

他自己开了一家小商店。He's running a small shop.

我在商店买的这件工具。I got this tool in a shop.

他们挤进了商店。They shoved into the shop.

我们站在商店外面。We stood outside the shop.

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我们将去哪些商店?Which shops will we go to?

从金宝贝零售商店。From Gymboree Retail Store.

他经营着一家床上用品商店。He runs a shop for bedding.