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葬礼将依照教堂的仪轨来举行。The funeral will be performed according to church rites.

不可以。按照仪轨在一个时间里专注于一种修法。No. Concentrate on one practice at one time according to the ritual.

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林钰堂于2008年2月24日增入关于此仪轨之意义的说明。Added by Yutang Lin on Feb. 24, 2008 on the significance of this ritual.

因此,我们需要帮助,这就是为什么仪轨通常都是以“皈依”开始的。Therefore we need help. So this is why Sadhana always begin with the refuge.

今晨我以绿度母护摩仪轨为底本敬造了此仪轨。This morning I composed this ritual based on the ritual honoring Green Tara.

当然,行者也可以经由熟悉此类的仪轨而在定上长进。Of course, one can still advance in Dhyana through familiarity with this kind of rituals.

即使在他昏迷的状况,我们注意到TM不断地移动他的脚成仪轨中的姿势。Even in his state of unconsciousness, we noticed that TM kept moving his legs to the Sadhana position.

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尊贵的法王慈善,在今天口传了观音六字大明咒及其修持仪轨。Firstly due to His great compassion he gave the oral transmission of the Chenrezig mantra and sadhana.

昨天弟子敬行请我为他的绿度母仪轨版本写篇回向文。Yesterday disciple Jing Xing asked me to compose a dedication for his version of the Green Tara Sadhana.

仪轨是给行者去修习,但无法保证修持者可以即刻获得成果。Rituals are for practitioners to approach, there is no guarantee that practitioners can achieve it at once.

弟子智宣已增入4页的跋文于此荟供的仪轨中。附呈此定案版本。Disciple Zhi Xuan had added a 4-page epilog to this ritual text for group offerings. The final version attached.

它讨论了神职人员的生活,宗教仪轨,日期,测量,年表,家谱,宗教和法律。It discusses priests' lives, religious rituals, dates, measurements, chronologies , genealogies, worship and law.

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此仪轨是特别编排以供传承信众们使用的,并且在将来群聚荟供时要采用之。This ritual is specifically designed for the use of our lineage followers and will be adopted in future group offerings.

如我昨天火供报告中所提到的我将增入此说明至此仪轨的结尾处,而我已如此做好了。As I mentioned in the fire puja report yesterday that I will add the explanation to the end of the ritual, I had done so.

所以,对那些希望修持这个仪轨的人们,我真心建议你们应该向内观照,看看自己到底有多希望解脱。So, those who wish to practice this Sadhana I would really advise look inside and see how much liberation are you seeking.

密教以高度组织化的咒术、仪轨与世俗信仰为主要特征。The main character of Esoteric Buddhism is the high degree organization of the auspiciousness, rituals and secular beliefs.

它与一般宗教仪式、仪轨系统所特有的固定性和排他的性质,有根本性的区别。It is different from the general religionary ceremony , the fixity of a patent ceremonial system and the character of exclusive.

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奇怪的是,孩子说谎的资质不会受到严厉家长和宗教仪轨的影响。Surprisingly, children's aptitude for fibbing was not influenced by strict parenting or a religious upbringing, the study showed.

弟子敬行请我讲解他在陈上师的〈古鲁古里佛母怀法火供仪轨〉中找出的〈古鲁古里佛母颂〉。Disciple Jing Xing asked me to give a talk on a Praise to Kurukulla as found in Guru Chen's fire puja ritual to the Mother Buddha.

契丹人葬俗中采用面具覆面这一习俗,应是在萨满教的宗教习俗的仪轨下才产生的。The Qidan people bury vulgarly use mask complex plane this custom, should be only then produces under Shamanism's religious custom ritual.