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宝石是可以伪装的。Stones can be disguised.

混乱是最好的伪装。Chaos is great camouflage.

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我们甚至还够不上冒充伪装。We are not even semblance.

葡萄酒伪装成香水?Wine disguised as perfume?

你看到剥去伪装的人。You just see people flayed.

我们之中有一些伪装者。There are pretenders among us.

现在我耗掉它,伪装它,吃了它。Now I waste it, faked it, ate it.

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这假胡子是他的伪装用品。This false beard is his disguise.

任何人都可以伪装成任何身份。Anyone can pretend to be anything.

没有一个人想要成为一个伟大的伪装者。No one wants to be a great pretender.

队长看穿了他的伪装。The captain saw through his disguise.

他用假胡子伪装。He disguised himself with a false beard.

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她那彬彬有礼的伪装开始露馅儿了。Her veneer of politeness began to crack.

一名敌兵伪装成了平民。The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.

伪装的坏人比黑鬼更可怕。The white devil is worse than the black.

我把自己伪装成一个猪倌。I have to disguise myself as a swineherd.

峩祗昰比较懂得伪装。I only know how to camouflage comparison.

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“阴谋”经常是伪装成“逻辑”的。“Sabotage” is often disguised as “logic”.

秋的景色是最富于情感的伪装的。Autumn scenery is rich emotional disguise.

亨利把自己伪装成百万富翁。Henry palmed himself off as a millionaire.