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它沿水平方向逐步扩展,通常是由低于行频的频率畸变造成的。Typically caused by distortions to the frequency components below the horizontal line frequency.

系统具有调光和行频调节功能,用以满足在不同能量状态和不同飞行高度下的成像质量。To improve imaging quality, the system has the function of luminous energy and line frequency adjusting.

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利用空间基准参量,通过计算机仿真给出了变行频采样示意图和重建图像。Using the space benchmark parameters, the sampling of variable row frequency and reconstructed image were listed.

本文指出行频对电视频谱特性起重要作用,对图象清晰度有一定的影响。This paper points out that the TV line frequency has significant action on spectrum and certain influence upon picture definition.

有鉴于此,本文介绍了一个基于工作站群机环境的并行频域体绘制算法。In this paper, a parallel frequency domain volume rendering algorithm for the workstation cluster environment is described in detail.

提高了行频后采用自动跟踪技术调整行幅及校正水平枕形失真的理论分析。Adopt after increases a Frequency the auto follow the technique adjusts an and correct the level Pillow form lose the true theories analysis.

结果表明,侧摆角度越大,积分级数越高,对行频精度的要求就越高,反之越低。The results show that the bigger the scroll angle and the integral number of TDICCD are, the higher the precision of required row frequency is.

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显示器解析度提高的方法很多,可以从频宽、点距、行频、场频等方面讨论,而这些因素都是相互联系的。The display distinguishes the method of the rate exaltation a lot of we may discussion from order to be apart from line frequency field frequency so and so.

显示器分辨率提高的方法很多,可以从带宽、点距、行频、场频等方面讨论,而这些因素都是相互联系的。The display distinguishes the method of the rate exaltation a lot of, we may Discussion from Order to be apart from , line Frequency, Field Frequency so and so.

道旁过者问行人,行人但云点行频或从十五北防河,便至四十西营田。The person that pass by the path asks a pedestrian, pedestrian Dan Yun nods line frequency or prevent a river from 15 north, come 40 on the west battalion cropland.

推导出相机侧摆时拼接TDICCD各像元的行频求解公式,建立侧摆角度与行频的关系式。The expression of the row frequency of every pixel is deduced when the mosaic TDICCD is scroll imaging. Relationship between scroll angle and row frequency is established.

更多时候还需要计算机显卡产生一个正极性触发的同步信号,它会通知显示终端所显示的图像行频已经改变到一个新的格式了。Most will recall that COMPUTER graphic cards sometimes OUTPUT positive-going sync. Positive-going sync signal the DISPLAY that the graphics LINE rate has changed to a new format.

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本文详细介绍了GW500彩色高分辨力显示器的多行频自动同步系统与自动S校正电路的设计特点。This paper describes in detail the design features of the multi-horizontal frequency automatic synchronizing system and the automatic S-correction circuit in GW500 color display terminal.

从工程实际出发,以相机侧摆成像为例,系统分析了行频精度对TDICCD相机成像质量的影响。In view of practical projects, this paper analyzed the influence of the precision of row frequency on the image quality of a TDICCD camera systematically by taking scroll imaging for an example.